KSBian Speaks

Let's embark on an adventure through the inspiring stories of our dear KSBians! These dedicated individuals have been part of the journey for long-standing years, embodying hard work, dedication, perseverance, and loyalty. Each story takes us through triumphs, challenges overcome, and valuable lessons learned, revealing the deep bond between these employees and the organization. 
Discover the untold tales of endurance, passion, and unwavering spirit that define the remarkable journey of our dear KSBians!

Mr. Vishwajit Raskar

Mr. Vishwajit Raskar

"KSB has always been a wonderful place to work with highly motivated management and enthusiastic colleagues."

KSB inspires me, a product that I feel passionate about, a position that challenges me and stretches me into different areas, the management that encourages and empowers me to do my best and a great work environment which makes me feel like a home.

Ms. Smita Wadnerkar

Ms. Smita Wadnerkar

"One of the most remarkable aspects at KSB is the cooperative and respectful environment"

I joined KSB Limited as a trainee for 2 years in August 1992 through IGTC. After completing 2 years of training I was absorbed into the Budget & Controlling Department in September 1994. I was involved in implementing a costing system in ISP. In those days I used to do bill passing, inventory-related work, project costing other costing-related activities. Also, salary & wages payment was made in cash at that time. So, we had to fill up the packets & distribute them to our employees. Till joining KSB, I had seen a bag full of cash only in movies, but then got used to it every month's end.

Mr. Amit Chhabra

Mr. Amit Chhabra

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out"- R. Collier"

My journey with KSB started in the year 1997 as a sales engineer. Working in this company for the past 25+ years has given me immense pleasure, as KSB has provided me with an inspiring and positive work environment that helped me work efficiently and achieve the planned outcomes.