Governance and Values
For KSB India, lawful conduct and good Corporate Governance culture is important and indispensable part of Sustainability.
Ethical practices, stricter internal controls, Policies & Codes, and compliances of legislations including Group-wide directives are the main pillars of Good Governance Culture at KSB India.
Lawful conduct continues to be an integral element of KSB’s corporate responsibility. A binding compliance management system supports the compliant conduct of employees. It ensures compliance with legal provisions and internal regulations, thereby safeguarding the economic success of the company in the long term. The compliance system is designed to ensure that KSB and its employees always act in line with applicable laws and directives.
Employees, Customers, business partners and all the stakeholders expect the Company to act with integrity. Thus, we follow the set of rules or principles defining rights, responsibilities and expectations between different stakeholders under the governance. Our well-defined corporate governance system aligns interests between stakeholders and work as a tool to support a company’s long-term strategy.
We ensure following key Governance practices:
- We maintain Independent Board of Directors with diversity and inclusion;
- Our Managing Director is Independent of the board chair
- The Board members act in a genuine fiduciary relationship with stockholders and are careful to avoid conflicts of interest with that duty.
- The executive management and the board of directors duly attend to the interests of the company’s various stakeholders like employees, suppliers, shareholders, customers etc.
- We give back to the community wherever we are located in India through our CSR initiatives.
- Financial and accounting transparency and full and honest financial reporting are our elements of good corporate governance.
- Accurate and transparent accounting methods and those stockholders are allowed to vote on important issues.
- The compensation for Board and employees is according to industry standards and are appropriately tied to increasing the long-term value, viability, and profitability of the business
- Policies and Codes of Conduct are formulated to ensure responsible corporate governance is put into practice.
- Consideration of factors more than just revenue or income – factors such as employee satisfaction, shareholder satisfaction and customer satisfaction.
- We do not make political contributions to obtain unduly favourable treatment.
- Non-indulgence in illegal practices.
KSB India’s further detailed ‘Corporate Governance’ is described in the ‘Investors’ section.
KSB's understanding of Corporate Culture -
The values and ethical conduct followed at KSB India help to shape cooperation within the Company, the way we are well connected with our customers and partners. The values and ethical conduct are the basis for our shared success. It is important to keep our overall principles and values in focus and high spirits.