A well project in the Sahara supported by KSB

Corporate social responsibility at KSB: How we work for a better society

KSB promotes social and ecological projects worldwide. In so doing we aim to support young people, protect the environment and secure the supply of drinking water.

Delivering education, environmental protection and access to clean drinking water for everyone – these are some of the great challenges of our time. In order to address these issues, KSB is involved in more than 100 social projects and initiatives which support people’s capacity to determine their own future.

Water is a matter of life and death

For the Tuareg in Niger, water is a matter of life and death. It is precious and difficult to access. While many of these former nomads have now settled permanently, some still roam with their animals. They are always in search of the few waterholes that exist in the Sahara.

A well for the Tuareg in the Sahara

The Tuareg are happy that they can reliably supply their families with fresh water.

Our company has been supporting the project “Les Puits du Désert” (Wells of the Desert) of the French aid organisation of the same name since 2012. It develops new sources of water for the Tuareg in their small villages and along the nomadic routes.

Helping developing regions with water projects

The wells help the Tuareg to cultivate fruit, vegetables and grain as well as providing a reliable supply of water for them and their animals. With the tedious task of fetching water eliminated, there is also more time for school attendance and other activities that improve people’s lives.

Wells of the Desert is just one of many water projects in developing regions to which we are committed as a pump and valve manufacturer.

KSB also participated in a charitable project in North Vietnam that improved the quality of life for around 10,000 people with the provision of a new water supply system.

Support for young people worldwide and in Germany

As well as seeking to improve living conditions for people in developing countries, a second major focus at KSB is education.

We want to support young people and give them better opportunities in life. For KSB, education plays a key role in the continued prosperity and stability of our society.

In 2005, KSB was one of the nine founding companies of “Wissensfabrik - Unternehmen für Deutschland e.V.” [Knowledge Factory – Companies for Germany]. This organisation aims to support Germany’s future as a location for business and entrepreneurship by enthusing young people for topics related to science, technology and business which we believe are somewhat neglected by today’s school system.

Children in the “Wissensfabrik”

The “Wissensfabrik” introduces children and young people to technology in a fun and engaging manner.

With its social engagement via the “Wissensfabrik” initiative, KSB acts in the spirit of corporate social responsibility and brings to bear its many years of experience in the fields of engineering and innovation. Numerous former members of KSB staff volunteer their support for “Wissensfabrik” projects – for instance via the training of teachers and daycare staff – and the company’s apprentices are also involved.

In addition, we actively support the German youth science competition “Jugend forscht” at our largest German locations in Frankenthal and Pegnitz.

KSB supports “Jugend forscht”

“Jugend forscht” 2020 in KSB’s training workshop

Social engagement is also being undertaken internationally. In Brazil, for example, KSB helps young people and those with disabilities who lack sufficient education to find their way into the world of work.

Where possible, we then employ these young people, offering them the chance to determine their own personal and professional future.

Helping where help is needed

KSB also helps at short notice when help is required. For example, when an earthquake and subsequent tsunami hit the Indonesian island of Java in 2019, our local staff helped those affected – who were left without belongings or even a roof over their heads – with money, clothing, blankets, sanitary products, household goods and school supplies.

Disaster relief from KSB in Indonesia

Indonesian KSB employees help tsunami victims.

In South Africa, KSB provided financial support for the modernisation of a hospital in Nthoroane, in the Mpumalanga province, and supervised the implementation of the project.

A vibrant culture of sponsorship and donations at KSB

These few examples show that helping people around the world facing emergencies or long-term hardship and supporting personal development have a long tradition with us.

We are also always active in the areas around our locations, making regular contributions to development initiatives in the local community. Another part of our tradition at KSB is to make charitable donations rather than giving Christmas presents.

Find out how KSB puts its social responsibility into practice

Social responsibility at KSB

Corporate Responsibility

As a successful company with global operations, KSB is aware of its responsibility towards the environment and society. The company has therefore made striking a balance between profitable growth and social responsibility the foundation for its actions.

KSB supports the UN Global Compact

KSB and the UN Global Compact

KSB joined the United Nations Global Compact more than a decade ago and considers it a foundation for responsible business. Particularly important for us: the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

KSB ethics and values

Company Commitments

Why customers, business partners and employees can be sure that KSB’s conduct will always meet the highest standards.
