KSB supports the UN Global Compact

KSB and the United Nations Global Compact

Fair and sustainable business is a fundamental principle for KSB. The company is therefore a member of the UN Global Compact.

For KSB, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the compass for sustainable corporate management.

Sustainability as a corporate goal

Acting with responsibility towards people and the environment is an important concern for KSB and the basis of our entrepreneurial thinking. The company therefore chose to join the United Nations Global Compact more than a decade ago, and uses the 17 Sustainable Development Goals  as guidelines for ensuring its actions are sustainable and geared to the future.

Around 16,000 companies worldwide have already signed the United Nations Global Compact. These include more than 500 from Germany.

At KSB, the principles of the Global Compact apply to all managers and employees throughout the company. The company also requires suppliers and business partners to comply with the principles of the UN Global Compact.

The 17 SDGs provide orientation

KSB is driven by the conviction that it can make an important contribution to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals as an employer and through its products and services.

Adopted in 2015, the UN Global Compact’s sustainability goals to be achieved globally by 2030 include the following:

The 17 sustainability goals of the UN Global Compact

As a globally active industrial company with high ethical and ecological standards, KSB can make important contributions to almost all 17 SDGs. Improving global infrastructure, sustainable production and environmental protection measures are thus top priorities for our companies.

In order to add substance and clarity to the 17 SDGs within our company, we have used them to derive binding sustainability targets which we aim to have achieved by 2025 or earlier:

  • Our production plants reduce CO2 emissions by a total of 30 percent. 
  • KSB water pumps save 850,000 tonnes of CO2 annually. 
  • Newly developed products are assessed by ecological criteria. 
  • The employee satisfaction index is 80 percent. 
  • Women make up at least 20 percent of management staff. 
  • The number of working days lost due to occupational accidents is reduced to fewer than 0.3 days per employee per year. 
  • Each employee invests at least 30 hours per year in personal training and development. 
  • The sustainability performance of 90 percent of key suppliers is assessed. 
  • KSB is involved in 25 social projects worldwide. 

Our contribution to ensuring a clean water supply

Inherent to the function of KSB’s pumps and valves is their ability to make a decisive contribution to drinking water supply, improved hygiene and the production of renewable energy all over the world.

But we believe in taking ecological responsibility one step further: Our pumps are designed with such efficiency and increasing use of recyclable materials that their ecological footprint is as small as possible.

In the desert, water means life.

For a large part of humanity, clean drinking water is not a matter of course.

Best possible working conditions

As an employer, KSB does everything in its power to create the best possible working conditions for its employees in every global region. This includes equal treatment of every employee regardless of factors such as age, gender, religion or skin colour, and the provision of a fair income offering a respectable standard of living.

The education of young people is also a matter that is close to our hearts. For us, education is the foundation for global prosperity. We are therefore committed to numerous educational projects, in Germany and around the world, that seek to open up new opportunities in life for young people.

A school in Africa
UN headquarters on the 70th anniversary of the United Nations

KSB acts in compliance with the ten universal principles of the UN Global Compact

The ten universal principles of the UN Global Compact are also firmly anchored in KSB’s DNA and, alongside the 17 sustainability goals, form the basis for our responsible conduct.

The principles of the Global Compact include:

  • Human rights: Companies should protect international human rights.
  • Labour standards: Companies’ obligations should include working against forced labour, child labour and discrimination as well as guaranteeing freedom of association.
  • Environmental responsibility: Companies should act in the interests of the environment and promote environmentally friendly technologies.
  • Anti-corruption: Companies should work against all forms of corruption.

Do you have questions about our membership in the UN Global Compact? Then please feel free to contact us.

Find out how KSB puts its social responsibility into practice

Social responsibility at KSB

Corporate Responsibility

As a successful company with global operations, KSB is aware of its responsibility towards the environment and society. The company has therefore made striking a balance between profitable growth and social responsibility the foundation for its actions.

KSB ethics and values

Company Commitments

Why customers, business partners and employees can be sure that KSB’s conduct will always meet the highest standards.

A well project in the Sahara supported by KSB

Our commitment to a better society

KSB is helping people and their development through more than 100 social projects and initiatives worldwide. Our focus issues are education, environmental protection and access to clean drinking water for everyone.