Die Frankfurter Skyline bei Nacht

Pumps and valves for building services applications

KSB pumps, valves and systems deliver convenience, hygiene and safety in modern buildings and provide the basis for their efficient operation.

From water supply to drainage, heating and air-conditioning systems through to fire protection: no modern building can be operated without pumps and valves. KSB offers tailored and standardised solutions for various types of buildings.

From air conditioning to fire protection

Customers all over the world rely on KSB pumps and valves for their heating and air-conditioning systems, for water supply, drainage and fire protection applications.

KSB offers tailored and standardised solutions for the following building types:

  • Commercial and industrial buildings, data centres
  • Administration buildings, educational facilities, hospitals and nursing homes
  • Shopping centres, trade fair halls, railway stations, airports
  • Apartment buildings, hotels, single and multiple dwellings, houseboats
  • Sports and cultural facilities, private and public swimming pools
  • Multi-storey and underground car parks

The ideal partner for intelligent building services

The digitalisation of building services continues. Our customers are increasingly building and operating connected buildings. Around the world, KSB products, services and technologies are helping to realise this vision of smart cities.

Manufacturing smart, communication-enabled pumps for use in digital building management systems has long been a matter of course for KSB. Together with our customers, our teams of experts realise complex applications with cost- and energy-efficient systems.

KSB Guard ist ein Pumpensensor mit Cloud-Anbindung. Er hilft, Anlagen sicherer zu machen und Betriebskosten zu senken.

Close to people

Whether in big cities, megacities or rural areas, whether in residential and office buildings or industrial facilities, demands on modern building services are rising worldwide. Convenience, hygiene, efficiency, ecology and sustainability are becoming increasingly important in building planning, modernisation and operation.

Through decades of cooperation with consultants and property management firms worldwide as well as regular interaction with architects, installation contractors, heating system engineers, engineering contractors and many other experts, we are very close to people and know which solutions are needed for today’s building services applications. 

For these fields of application, KSB offers reliable and proven solutions that are easy to use, robust and low maintenance.

Global presence with production and assembly sites around the world

As a global company, it goes without saying that we not only deliver worldwide, we also produce around the globe. 

Today, we have production and assembly plants for our pumps and valves for building services applications in Germany, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Turkey, India, Brazil, South Africa, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

More on KSB products, services and markets

Products and services

Whether in water management, in industry, mining, chemical applications, building services or energy supply, our customers are active on the most diverse of markets with highly specific requirements. KSB’s products and services offer tailored solutions: efficient, reliable and durable.

Open pit copper mine


Minerals are raw materials that provide the basis for many everyday products. GIW® slurry pumps from KSB are used to move mixtures of water and minerals both across long distances and within a processing plant.

View of the city of Bremerhaven at night

General Industry

Almost no industrial process would be possible without pumps and valves. We accompany our industrial customers from the initial planning stage through to operation and the end of the life cycle of our products.

There’s no life without water – which is why KSB offers solutions relating to all aspects of water and waste water.


From extraction and transport right through to treatment, KSB offers pumps, valves and services for water and waste water applications.

Petrochemicals / Chemicals

High temperatures and pressures, flammable fluids – chemical pumps and valves have to withstand extreme conditions. By providing innovative designs and comprehensive service, KSB ensures reliable production.

The Lotus Temple in New Delhi, India, is illuminated at night.


No matter whether the energy comes from the sun, wind, fossil fuels, geothermal heat or nuclear power – KSB offers efficient, safe and reliable solutions for power generating companies around the globe.
