The KSB Group at a glance

Founded in Germany in 1871; today globally active in more than 150 countries with over 15,000 employees: KSB is one of the world’s most innovative and successful pump and valve manufacturers.

Under the motto “People. Passion. Performance.” our dedicated staff develop highly efficient and tailored solutions capable of meeting complex industrial requirements. We set standards for products and services in every market segment we serve.

On the following pages you can learn more about our Group, our strategy, our values – and the factors which drive us to improve every single day.

Pumps from KSB set international standards.

Getting to know our company

What started out with the patented concept of a boiler feed apparatus in 1871 is now - after six generations of engineers and numerous different innovations - a symbol of quality and a world market leader for pumps, valves and service.

The workforce of KSB’s valves shop in 1930

KSB’s history

1871 sees KSB take off as a company. Drawing on the experience of its long past, KSB systematically continues to write its success story. A look at our company’s history.

Social responsibility at KSB

Corporate Responsibility

As a successful company with global operations, KSB is aware of its responsibility towards the environment and society. The company has therefore made striking a balance between profitable growth and social responsibility the foundation for its actions.

Research & development and innovation are deeply rooted in KSB’s DNA


KSB seeks to actively shape the future of fluid transport and is already developing the products for tomorrow today. This is how we manage to continuously improve the performance and efficiency of our existing products while meeting the needs of our customers.


KSB is always on the lookout for long-term partnerships with reliable suppliers. Apply to be a KSB supplier using our contact form.

Learn more in our Group magazines.

Shared. Global. Commitment. Our 'streams' and 'Stream of Stories' magazines reveal how these principles are shaping KSB’s future. 

Get to know the people behind KSB, and experience how they engage with challenging social issues in our 'Stream of Stories' online magazine. Take a deep dive into the Management’s vision for KSB in our 'streams' printed magazine, and join us as we look to the future.
