There’s no life without water – which is why KSB offers solutions relating to all aspects of water and waste water.

Efficient and clean solutions for the complete water cycle

KSB systems for extracting and transporting water and disposing of waste water are reliable and economical.

Water means life. By providing reliable and efficient systems, KSB helps to ensure that people around the world have access to water and that water gets to wherever it is needed reliably.

Water for the world’s growing population

Providing clean drinking water for everyone on the planet is one of this century’s most critical challenges. The world’s population continues to grow but extracting fresh water is becoming increasingly difficult due to decreasing groundwater levels, climate change and rising nitrate pollution.

The trend towards urbanisation and the creation of a growing number of megacities pose additional challenges for urban planners and utilities. States, municipalities, water supply companies and their service providers must find new ways to tap sustainable sources, treat waste water effectively and then dispose of it in an environmentally friendly and hygienic manner.

When it comes to solving these problems, KSB is an important partner for municipalities and industrial companies worldwide. We work closely with our customers and use our many decades of expertise to find solutions to their individual challenges.

Solutions for the complete water cycle

Each stage in the water cycle has its own challenges for which KSB offers specific solutions.

We focus on energy-optimised designs, optimum material combinations and maximum durability. KSB’s proprietary synchronous reluctance motor achieves the highest levels of efficiency, but unlike other products it does not use rare earths and is therefore environmentally friendly. KSB pumps and valves used in fresh water applications naturally comply with the strictest of hygiene standards, such as the French ACS drinking water standard or NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 certification for the US.

For waste water disposal, KSB has developed highly resilient waste water pumps with innovatively designed impellers for non-clogging operation.

We also use materials that are particularly resistant to abrasion and corrosion in order to minimise wear caused by solids and suspended solids.

Test facility for large pumps in Halle (Saale)

The pump test facility in Halle (Saale) with a new water tank

Our goal: efficient operation with zero failures

Our goal in every project is to ensure reliable operation with zero failures and a low total cost of ownership. We therefore attach great importance to developing individual and efficient solutions together with our customers, right from the very first planning meeting.

During operation, KSB’s SES System Efficiency Service ensures optimum use and identifies each system’s optimisation potential. In water extraction applications, for example, we carry out well pump measurements.

We offer a wide range of hydraulic services such as transient flow analysis for pipelines and numerical simulations (CFD analyses) for pumps and intake structures. We also offer sensors and digital monitoring units for the entire water portfolio.

Accessories such as KSB’s PumpMeter enable water suppliers and other companies to ensure that their pumps always operate with the lowest possible energy consumption.

A KSB SupremeServ engineer at work

KSB SupremeServ ensures reliable, long-term operation of our pumps and valves.

Weilerbach waterworks with KSB SupremeServ employee and data logger

Our service team is always quickly on hand worldwide

First-class service also depends on presence and speed. KSB SupremeServ is always quickly on hand: our 190 service centres worldwide provide on-site consultancy and will deliver and install the necessary spare parts.

More than 3500 service staff will professionally service not only our own pumps and valves but also other makes. Reverse engineering and modern production methods such as additive manufacturing enable us to supply spare parts even for pumps that are no longer being produced.

Since interrupting operation often isn’t an option for water supply applications, we can also perform repairs and maintenance during operation. Our range of services also includes the optimisation and modernisation of systems as well as digital concepts for predictive maintenance.

A virtual tour of our competence centre for water and waste water products

More on KSB products, services and markets

Products and services

Whether in water management, in industry, mining, chemical applications, building services or energy supply, our customers are active on the most diverse of markets with highly specific requirements. KSB’s products and services offer tailored solutions: efficient, reliable and durable.

View of the city of Bremerhaven at night

General Industry

Almost no industrial process would be possible without pumps and valves. We accompany our industrial customers from the initial planning stage through to operation and the end of the life cycle of our products.

The Lotus Temple in New Delhi, India, is illuminated at night.


No matter whether the energy comes from the sun, wind, fossil fuels, geothermal heat or nuclear power – KSB offers efficient, safe and reliable solutions for power generating companies around the globe.

Die Frankfurter Skyline bei Nacht

Building Services

Whether in water supply or drainage, air conditioning or fire protection, KSB pumps and valves are employed in all types of buildings, such as offices, residential houses, hospitals or swimming pools.

Petrochemicals / Chemicals

High temperatures and pressures, flammable fluids – chemical pumps and valves have to withstand extreme conditions. By providing innovative designs and comprehensive service, KSB ensures reliable production.

Open pit copper mine


Minerals are raw materials that provide the basis for many everyday products. GIW® slurry pumps from KSB are used to move mixtures of water and minerals both across long distances and within a processing plant.
