A shareholder checks share prices on a PC.

KSB shares

Information for investors on our shares

Here you will find material information on KSB shares at a glance, including current prices of our ordinary and preference shares, information on dividends and yields, our shareholders and key data.

KSB share chart and share price

How KSB shares are performing.

Key data

  • The company’s share capital (€ 44.8 million) breaks down into 1,751,327 no-par-value shares (ordinary and preference shares).
  • The number of ordinary shares is 886,615 (equivalent to € 22.7 million in share capital), whereas the number of preference shares is 864,712 (equivalent to € 22.1 million in share capital).
  • Market capitalisation as at 31 December 2023: € 1,092.9 million


Preference shares 20232022202120202019
Dividend per share in €26.2619.7612.264.268.76
Dividend yield in % *
Ordinary shares  20232022202120202019
Dividend per share in €26.0019.5012.004.008.50
Dividend yield in %  *

* based on respective year end share price


Stock exchange trading

The preference shares and ordinary shares are listed for trading on the regulated market (prime standard).

  • Trading is possible on Xetra and on almost every German stock exchange.
  • Security identification numbers and stock exchange codes:
  KSB preference share    KSB ordinary share
ISIN DE0006292030 DE0006292006
Reuters code KSBG_p KSBG
Bloomberg code KSBG KSB
  • Designated sponsor: Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
  • Paying agent: M.M WARBURG & Co, 20095 Hamburg
The shareholders of KSB SE & Co. KGaA


  • Johannes und Jacob Klein GmbH holds approximately 84 % of ordinary shares and 20 % of preference shares.
  • The remaining ordinary and preference shares comprise the free float.


KSB is a traditional German company that proudly looks back on more than 150 years of innovation. 

  • Founded in 1871, KSB transitioned into a public limited company in 1887.
  • A stock exchange listing steeped in tradition: KSB has been listed on the stock exchange ever since 1895 ─ or for 124 years.

As of 17 January 2018, the company has been trading as KSB SE & Co. KGaA. With this legal form, business management was assumed by the general partner KSB Management SE. Owners of ordinary or preference shares in KSB AG automatically became shareholders of KSB SE & Co. KGaA.

A historical share of KSB