World map of countries in which KSB is active

All KSB contacts worldwide

Whether you are a customer, partner, journalist or investor, you can find a list of contacts, offices, agencies and distributors of KSB around the world here. 

Do you have a question about the global KSB Group?

If you have a general question about the Group – for example relating to press, investor relations or careers topics – please use our contact form. Your queries and suggestions will then be forwarded directly to the right contacts.

Contact at KSB

Do you want to contact a local branch of KSB?

Do you have a question about a specific product, a service enquiry or a warranty claim? If so, please contact the local sales company in your country. Links to our country contacts are listed here in alphabetical order and grouped into the following four regions: Europe, Americas/Oceania, Middle East/Africa and Asia/Pacific. Simply click to go to the regional KSB web site or the addresses of our local agencies and distributors.