The redundancy, in particular, that is stipulated for the supply of fire-fighting water means that all control and measuring elements now have to be doubled or redundant. The HyaDuo 2 D FL and HyaDuo 2 D FL Compact sets also feature two inlet devices ensuring the hygienic separation of drinking water and fire-fighting water to EN 1717 type AB.
The effective volume of the break tank is now 600 litres to compensate for any fluctuations in inflow rate and reliably supply the pumps with water for one minute. Newly designed suction elbows allow full use of the tank volume. A ball valve near the bottom of the tank enables the operator to regularly check the function of mains water supply. A window for fill level indication shows the water level at all times.
To facilitate manoeuvring when installing the set, the hydraulic unit can be separated from the tank unit. The master switch is now outside the control cabinet as the new edition of DIN 14462 requires the entire place of installation to be protected against unauthorised access.
In the event of fire, HyaDuo 2 D FL Compact supplies wall hydrant systems with up to 36 cubic metres of fire-fighting water per hour with only one duty pump. The sets have been developed for supplying fire-fighting water to protect multiple dwellings, residential and office buildings, multi-storey car parks and hospitals, for example.
In the event of a lack of water, the new products from KSB now incorporate the option of either stopping the pumps or continuing operation. The default setting is for the pumps to stop if lack of water occurs. The operator can deactivate this function by removing a wire jumper, which means the pumps will keep running even in the event of a lack of water.
The fully automatic break tank package booster set for fire fighting of the type series HyaDuo 2 D FL Compact is fitted with two fully redundant pumps, each of which has got its own power and control circuit. Their redundant control systems continuously monitor pressure switches and limit switches for broken wires and short circuits.
Press release: New break tank package booster sets for fire fighting meet DIN 14462: 2023-07
Press photo: New break tank package booster sets for fire fighting meet DIN 14462: 2023-07