Successful collaboration webinar with Indonesia's water association
KSB Indonesia proudly conducted a webinar in collaboration with PERPAMSI on October 13, 2021, attended by 195 external participants from PDAM (Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum/Local Government Owned Water Utility companies), Perumda Air Minum (regional water utility companies), water solution providers, OEM, EPC, based in Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Bali, Nusa Tenggara and Papua as well as consultants, lecturers, and fresh graduates.
The speaker, Antonius Giri Martanto, S.Si., M.Si, shared know-how on pump selection. We highly appreciate the enthusiasm especially on the Q&A session and positive feedbacks gained from the survey. Based on the survey, most participants would like to be invited and join our upcoming webinar series. Gratitude to PERPAMSI for this great collaboration, kudos to the KSB Indonesia team as the event was well executed.
We would like to thank all participants for taking the time to join the webinar and look forward to our valued customers, partners, and colleagues, on the upcoming webinar series.
For further details about our comprehensive product portfolio and solution offers, please contact:
Sales Manager Water/Wastewater
Mobile: 0812 1171 633, WA: 0816 7494 00
Email: Firmansyah.Firmansyah@ksb.com
Muasis Satrania
Sales Engineer Water/Wastewater
Mobile: 0811-1660-612
Email: Muasis.Satrania@ksb.com