
IECEx03-5 / ATEX & VCA Certification

IECEx03-5 Certification is voluntary and for repair shops or companies that design, install, maintain or inspect EX installations.

This certification demonstrates competence in ATEX and/or IECEx through independent certification. It is based on the international technical standard IEC-60079-19 and on ISO9001 quality standards.

What are the benefits of this certification?

End users who are subject to ATEX or IECEx standards must ensure that EX equipment is correctly installed, maintained and, if necessary, repaired or overhauled.

The repair of EX equipment is subject to certain rules; the end user must therefore ensure that a repair or overhaul is carried out by competent persons in order to guarantee that the equipment is still explosion-proof after overhaul or repair.
Working in accordance with IEC60079-19 when repairing or overhauling ATEX equipment is an obligation, but demonstrating this compliance is not mandatory.

This is why IECEx 03 has been developed: this worldwide certification scheme is voluntary in Europe, but offers a good opportunity to demonstrate competence in repair and overhaul.

VCA certification, a label of quality and reliability for a company in Belgium

The VCA is a Safety-Health-Environment checklist. This European management system sets out a series of conditions that companies must meet to obtain health-safety and environment certification. Safety in the workplace becomes a priority for everyone.

VCA certification & KSB Service Belgium

At KSB Service Belgium, we strive for a culture of safety, health, wellbeing and environment (SHWEE) in everything we do. As a leading company specialising in the installation and maintenance of pumps, we recognise our responsibility to ensure that our activities are safe for our employees, our customers and the community in which we operate. As part of our drive for excellence, we are committed to the following values: Safety, Health, Well-being and the Environment.
