Natural Gas Processing
Reliable pumps make all the difference in natural gas processing. Count on KSB for maximum safety and uptime.
Natural gas requires proper handling from the wellhead to your plant and beyond. Our pumps for the petrochemical industry help move it safely and efficiently.
Refine and purify raw natural gas with ultimate reliability
When your processing equipment extracts impurities like hydrogen sulfides, carbon dioxide, water and mercury, your main concern is reliability. Because exposure is not an option and any unplanned downtime will erase the tight profit margins you work to meet every day. You need ultra-reliable, low-maintenance pumps and valves made to withstand the corrosive elements of raw natural gas, so you can keep your processes in motion.
Ultra-reliable KSB pumps handle the demands of natural gas processing
We engineer pumps for all of your natural gas processing needs – from ultra-robust process pumps, utility pumps, standard chemical pumps, and even custom-built aggregates. Whether you’re looking to transport liquid hydrocarbons from the wellhead, refine and purify raw natural gas, or move pipeline grade natural gas down the line, we have the right solution for your operational requirements.
- Find your best fit: You need ultra-reliable process pumps made for handling natural gas, like our RPH pumps or our RPHb/d two-stage or single-stage between bearings pumps, which reduce the load on bearings and the mechanical seal, for maximum uptime by design.
Or our versatile RPH-V vertical suspended pumps – an ideal solution for the rigorous demands of natural gas and offshore applications. - Dimensioned for heavy-duty use, our CHTR barrel-type pump is engineered for high operating reliability with highly resilient bearings, an extremely durable shaft and mechanical seals that can handle high loads.
- The vertical, high-pressure centrifugal pumps from our WKB/WKTR series are made for refinery and petrochemical applications with superior quality bearings and a shaft seal housing designed to API 682.
Our pumps for the petrochemical industry are engineered to API 610 and well-equipped for heavy-duty applications.
KSB: Your reliability professionals for natural gas processing pumps
When it comes to natural gas processing and getting the most out of your pumps, materials matter. We’ll support you in selecting the right materials to withstand exposure to the process medium, as well as high integrity shaft sealing systems to safeguard your equipment operators and ensure maximum availability. Thanks to our tried-and-tested knowledge of metallurgies and the architecture and operation of gas plants, we have the expertise to offer fluid handling solutions that help you meet your goals.
When selecting and operating process pumps to clean raw natural gas, you need an experienced partner at your side. We support you at every step of the way, including commissioning, training, and regular service. If you ever need a repair, we’ll come to you.
For all your natural gas processing needs, we’re your reliability professionals. Count on us for superior products and competent service right from the start.
Horizontal radially split volute casing pump in back pull-out design, to API 610, ISO 13709 (heavy duty), type OH2, single-stage, with single-suction radial impeller and centreline pump feet; with inducer if required. ATEX-compliant version available.
Heavy-duty horizontal radially split between-bearings volute casing pump to API 610, ISO 13709 (heavy duty), type BB2, with radial impellers, single- or double-entry, single- or two-stage design with centreline pump feet. ATEX-compliant version available.
Horizontal radially split multistage high-pressure pumps in between-bearings design, with double casing (barrel-type pumps) to API 610 (ISO 13709), type BB5. First stage optionally available in double-suction design for low NPSH requirements. ATEX-compliant version available.
Vertical single-stage sump pump to API 610 and ISO 13709 (heavy duty), type VS4, with integral thrust bearing assembly and separate discharge line. ATEX-compliant version available.
Vertically suspended, double-casing, lineshaft, diffuser-type pump with integral thrust bearings and discharge through column pipe in accordance with API 610 / ISO 13709 (VS6). Available in single-stage or multistage configurations and with single suction first-stage impeller.
MIL 41000
Cage-guided single-ported heavy-duty control valves, high pressure drop capability; noise reduction and anti-cavitation solution available by replacing the standard cage.
Double-offset butterfly valve with ISO 5211 compliant square shaft end, with plastomer seat or metal seat (fire-safe), without gland packing, maintenance-free, with lever or manual gearbox, pneumatic, electric or hydraulic actuator, body made of steel or stainless steel. Wafer-type body (T1), full-lug body (T4) or flanged body (T7) with flat or raised faces. Body types T4 and T7 are suitable for dead-end service. Connections to EN, ASME or JIS. Certified to German TA Luft Technical Guidelines on Air Quality Control.
Triple-offset butterfly valve, metal-seated (fire-safe), without gland packing, maintenance-free, with lever or manual gearbox, pneumatic, electric or hydraulic actuator. Body made of steel or stainless steel, full-lug body (T4), flanged body (T7) with flat or raised faces, body with butt weld ends (BWSE). Body types T4 and T7 are suitable for dead-end service. Connections to EN, ASME or JIS. Connections to ASME: Schedule 40S and STD to NPS for valves with butt weld ends (other connections on request). Fugitive emissions performance tested and certified to EN ISO 15848-1. Certified to German TA Luft Technical Guidelines on Air Quality Control. Fire-safe design tested and certified to EN ISO 10497 (BS 6755 - API 6FA). ATEX-compliant version in accordance with Directive 2014/34/EU. In compliance with NACE MR0175 / ISO 15156 and MR 0103.