Optimise your system with KSB's innovate automation and drive solutions.

For new installations or retrofits in existing systems, KSB offers the right automation technology. It can easily be integrated in building management or process control systems.

Make use of intelligent KSB automation solutions to control pumps and other system components, and tap previously hidden potentials for saving energy. Tailor-made system solutions by KSB provide the preconditions for an energy-efficient operation of your pump system; they also ensure operating reliability and system availability.

KSB Guard

Go one step further in pump monitoring and use the Internet of Things: KSB Guard will allow you to gain an overview of the data on all of your pumps without having to be physically on site.

Comprehensive pump monitoring with KSB Guard
Smartphone with KSB Sonolyzer® app

KSB Sonolyzer®

KSB presents a world first: the first app that can hear energy saving potential.

PumpMeter and POC

PumpMeter from KSB measures all pump key data and indicates whether your pump is running at its best efficiency point. If PumpMeter indicates optimisation potential, then it's worth doing a Pump Operation Check (POC) with action plan.

Load profile analysis

KSB SuPremE® motors

The variable speed KSB SuPremE® motors work like an energy diet. Energy savings of up to 70 percent, high efficiency gains across all load ranges and a sustainable, robust design will convince you, too.


Retrofitting pumps with the PumpDrive frequency inverter opens up untapped energy savings potential. Thanks to its flexibility, the system can be installed without any problems at any time.

Increases pump efficiency: PumpDrive

KSB FlowManager

The pump on your smartphone: Configure and operate PumpDrive or MyFlow Drive the easy way with the free KSB FlowManager app – for iOS and Android.
