Continuing diversity, inclusiveness and employee enrichment

Continuing diversity, inclusiveness and employee enrichment

KSB Canada is thrilled to announce the promotion of our Financial Controller of 17 years, Christine Moore, to Managing Director.

Celebrating 150 Years

Celebrating 150 Years

As KSB celebrates 150 years in the business of designing and manufacturing industry leading products, let’s take a look back at how we started: Our company, our primary factory, and our local company here in Canada.


Mining Around the World

Join us on a tour of creative mine site dewatering solutions over four continents.


KSB Celebrates Clean Water Certification with Charitable Donation

In celebration of achieving the NSF61 clean water certification, KSB has made a donation to Water First: a charity focused on addressing water challenges in Indigenous communities in Canada through education, training and meaningful collaboration.


The Future of Mining and Mining Equipment

The search for rarer and precious minerals and metals has opened up mining in countries and locations where previously the industry was small scale or non-existent. Consequently, mining companies and equipment manufacturers have had to develop new techniques and products.

Nuts and bolts

The Nuts and Bolts of Pump Selection

Earlier we discussed that pressure is a form of energy and the centrifugal pump converts the input energy to pressure, arming the fluid with this energy to overcome the pipeline resistance and move from point A to point B. If we pick a point on the pump curve it has a corresponding flow rate (Q) on the X-axis and head (H) on the Y-axis. It tells us that this specific pump can arm the flow rate of “Q” with the pressure energy of “H”.

An Energy Conversion Machine - How a centrifugal pump actually works

An Energy Conversion Machine - How a centrifugal pump actually works

The task of any centrifugal pump is to move liquid, requiring “work.” To do this, the pump must equip the fluid with a suitable form of energy. Why do we say the suitable form of energy? Because for work to be done, we need the right type or form of energy to do the task.

Pump repair results in impressive increase in pressure and energy savings

Pump repair results in impressive increase in pressure and energy savings

It is one thing to understand in theory the importance of properly matching your pump to your system and operating close to its Best Efficiency Point (BEP,) but the reality is that doesn’t always happen. Sometimes you find yourself between a rock and a hard place: your budget.


A few millimetres can cause huge problems: Why wear ring clearances matter

In this blog post we highlighted pump symptoms that could mean a clog is forming. If you are struggling with clogging, today’s post will explain why wear ring clearances should be one of the first things you check!

6 Wastewater Pump Symptoms You Don’t Want to Ignore - and why you might be seeing them now more than ever

6 Wastewater Pump Symptoms You Don’t Want to Ignore - and why you might be seeing them now more than ever

Due to the sudden increased use of disinfecting wipes, latex gloves and other materials residents are using to combat the corona virus, wastewater operators are seeing a sharp increase in wastewater clogs. As demand for cleaning wipes has skyrocketed, wastewater operators must grapple with the results of improper disposal.

Want an Efficient System? Get This One Thing Right: Pump Selection

Want an Efficient System? Get This One Thing Right: Pump Selection

We all want a cleaner and healthier planet. We all know that reducing energy consumption is a key part in achieving this goal. But did you realize that pumps are responsible for a significant portion of all energy required by industry?

The sweet spot: How to keep your pump operating near its Best Efficiency Point (BEP)

The sweet spot: How to keep your pump operating near its Best Efficiency Point (BEP)

Each pump has what is called a ‘best efficiency point’ (BEP) or sweet-spot – a combination of head and flow rate where it will deliver its best performance in terms of both energy efficiency and service life.
