Innovative ideas for pioneering CO₂ applications
KSB looks back on 150 years of technological innovation – and uses this passion to take the necessary steps towards a sustainable future. One of the key issues we face is how to deal with CO₂. Capturing, transporting, using and storing carbon dioxide are important fields in which KSB is developing vital technologies and setting trends.
We are driving forward the development of CCUS (carbon capture, utilisation and storage)
In the Paris Climate Agreement, the signatory countries committed themselves to making the global economy more climate-friendly in order to meet the 1.5 degree target – a major challenge in particular for energy-intensive companies. The manufacturing sector, i.e. the building materials, chemicals, glass, non-ferrous metals, paper and steel industries, uses processes that currently still cause large amounts of CO2 emissions. Thermal combined cycle power plants and coal-fired power plants also produce high levels of greenhouse gases during conventional power generation. CCUS technologies are currently the only practicable solution for reducing emissions.
As a compressible fluid, CO2 places very high demands on pump systems and valves. In order to optimally design such a system, particular attention should be paid to the density development of the fluid between the inlet and outlet of the pump. By selecting suitable valve closing characteristics, the risk of pressure surges in the overall system can be reduced. Such systems must also be perfectly sealed to prevent leaks and resulting ice formation or health risks. With pumps and valves from KSB, our customers are ideally equipped for all CO2 applications. Technically advanced high-quality products and our experts’ many years of experience guarantee the smooth operation of the equipment used.
Discover how KSB’s solutions can support you across the various processes within the following applications:

1. Capturing carbon dioxide
CO₂ can be captured using a variety of methods, each with its own specific challenges. KSB offers solutions for all capture technologies (chemical and physical absorption, direct air separation, etc.) at all separation stages (pre-combustion, post-combustion and oxyfuel):
- Lean amine solution for CO₂ absorption
- Transfer of liquefied CO₂
- Desulphurisation fluids for purification
- Process water for the synthesis gas scrubber
- Process condensate for the stripper flow and coolant injection
- Demand-driven cooling, scrubber and boiler feed water supply in the overall system
In the main carbon capture process, KSB’s Magnochem, MegaCPK and RPH pumps are used in conjunction with corrosion-resistant butterfly valves and globe valves from the DANAÏS, SICCA and ECOLINE series. The lined diaphragm valves and swing check valves from the SISTO series are ideal for abrasive scenarios while the valves from the NORI and STAAL series as well as MIL control valves can be used for steam supply.
2. Compression and transport of carbon dioxide
After it has been captured, the CO₂ can be compressed to form a fluid that is almost as dense as water. When the CO₂ condenses below its critical point, it can be pumped and transported by pipeline, truck or ship. HG and CHTR pumps are the perfrect choice for the main process. Butterfly valves from the DANAÏS CRYO and TRIODIS series are ideal for the particularly demanding process of liquefaction.
3. Carbon storage
Carbon storage involves the permanent storage of CO₂ in underground geological formations. With geological storage, CO₂ captured during industrial processes is injected into rock formations deep underground, permanently removing it from the atmosphere:
- in saline formations
- EOR (enhanced oil recovery)
- in depleted reservoirs
In all applications, handling highly critical CO₂ requires technical equipment that can withstand high pressures. Our high-performance multistage HGC and CHTR pumps are equipped for all critical conditions and are designed to order based on the customer’s requirements. Movitec pumps are used as auxiliary pumps while ball valves are the main choice when it comes to valves.
4. CO₂ as a heat transfer fluid in power stations
In a combustion chamber, natural gas is mixed under high pressure with oxygen and supercritical CO₂ from the capturing process and burned. The resulting very hot working fluid expands in a turbine before being cooled in a heat exchanger. The water that forms condenses and is then separated, leaving a gaseous CO2 flow. The excess CO₂ is fed into a pipeline so it can be used elsewhere or stored underground. The remaining CO₂ flow is compressed, cooled and pumped under high pressure using pumps from KSB. In the heat exchanger, the CO₂ flow is heated up again and then returned to the combustion chamber.
5. The use of carbon dioxide
Once the CO2 has been captured, it can be used as a raw material to manufacture products or provide services, for example climate-neutral energies such as synthetic and biofuels, chemicals, plastics, fibres and synthetic rubber. KSB offers a wide range of pumps and valves for such purposes.
As a global market leader for high-quality pumps, valves and systems, we are the perfect partner for all plant operators, consultants and engineering contractors when it comes to developing carbon capture solutions.
With our technical excellence and keen sense for future-relevant issues, we play an important role in the development of energy-efficient technologies that benefit our environment. We are shaping the future – welcome to the world of green solutions!
Pompe à volute horizontale, à joint perpendiculaire à l'axe, en construction process selon API 610 et ISO 13709 (heavy duty), type OH2, monocellulaire avec roue radiale monoflux, pattes à l'axe. Le cas échéant, avec hélice de gavage (inducer). Version ATEX disponible.
Pompe à volute horizontale, sans étanchéité d'arbre, en construction process, avec entraînement magnétique, conforme aux normes DIN EN ISO 2858 / ISO 5199, avec roue radiale, monocellulaire, monoflux. Disponible en version ATEX.
Pompe horizontale à volute, à joint perpendiculaire à l’axe, en construction process, avec roue radiale monoflux, monocellulaire, conforme aux normes DIN EN ISO 5199, dimensions suivant DIN EN ISO 2858, complété des DN25 et ≥DN200, disponible en de nombreux matériaux et types d'étanchéité, également disponible en variante avec arbre mouillé et chambre d’étanchéité conique. Version ATEX disponible.
Pompe centrifuge horizontale ou verticale, multicellulaire, à corps segmenté, en construction monobloc ou en version sur socle commun, aspiration axiale ou radiale, roues radiales moulées, variateur de fréquence monté sur le moteur. Version ATEX disponible.
Pompe horizontale à corps segmenté, à joint perpendiculaire à l’axe, avec roues radiales, mono ou double flux, multicellulaire.
Pompes haute pression horizontales, multicellulaires, à joint perpendiculaire à l'axe et à montage entre paliers, avec corps double (pompes en barrel) selon API 610 (ISO 13709), type BB5. Le premier étage peut être équipé en option d'une roue à double flux pour un bas NPSH. Version ATEX disponible.
Robinet à papillon à double excentration avec bout d'arbre carré suivant ISO 5211, à siège plastomère (également disponible en version fire-safe), siège métallique ou élastomère (FKM [VITON R] ou NBR [Nitrile]). Poignée ou démultiplicateur, actionneur pneumatique, électrique ou hydraulique. Corps en fonte à graphite sphéroïdal, acier moulé, acier inoxydable ou acier inoxydable duplex (254 SMO). Corps annulaire (T1), corps à bossages taraudés (T4), T4 utilisable en démontage aval et en fonction bout de ligne avec une contre-bride. Raccordements suivant EN, ASME ou JIS. Essai et certification Sécurité Feu suivant API 607. Répondant aux exigences de la norme sur les émissions fugitives EN ISO 15848-1 (testé et certifié). Version ATEX suivant directive 2014/34/UE.
Robinet à membrane suivant DIN/EN à brides ou à manchons filetés, avec seuil à passage direct, étanchéité amont/aval et étanchéité vers l'extérieur obtenues par une membrane encastrée et supportée, avec corps à revêtement extérieur et intérieur, indicateur de position avec protection intégrée de la tige, toutes les pièces fonctionnelles hors du fluide, sans entretien.
MIL 41000
Vanne de régulation à simple siège avec guidage par cage pour les applications très sévères, pour une chute de pression autorisée élevée, réduction du bruit et protection contre la cavitation par l'échange de la cage standard possibles.