KSB service centres
KSB offers tailor-made service solutions and state-of-the-art spare parts solutions for the repair of pumps, valves, motors and other rotating equipment of all makes. KSB SupremeServ specialists are there to support you — 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
KSB service centres are available across the country to help you along your products’ life cycle: all types of maintenance, provision of spare parts, service contracts or inspections, and consulting for optimising and increasing the reliability of your pump systems.
Helping you to quickly get your systems running
First of all, with Support, we ensure optimum installation and commissioning of systems, provide repair or adjustments when there are problems and supply you with spare parts and associated services, as well as managing your spare parts inventory.
Helping you to keep your systems running every day
Next, with Services, we look at your needs to determine the preventive or predictive maintenance services best suited to your operations and the conditions on site (maintenance plan, service contracts, monitoring contracts).
Helping you to keep your systems running at their best
Finally, with Performance, we can inspect your systems and determine the best solutions for increasing their reliability and optimising them in terms of hydraulic system and energy. Our specialists will assist you with the instrumentation of your systems and with data analysis, propose the best-suited solution and, of course, install and commission your system.
Find KSB’s closest service centre that best matches your needs.