
KSB whistleblower/ complaints channel

KSB has set up an openly accessible reporting channel for whistleblowers with the appointment of an external counsel of trust.

Report your concerns:


Compliance Issue Reporting Channels (WeCom QR Code): Find the QR code in the download section on the right.

Dr. André Große Vorholt is responsible for receiving notifications regarding any compliance violations as well as all types of complaints relating to human rights and environmental risks at any point along KSB's supply chain, at its suppliers, business partners and right through to the end users.

The ombudsperson is obliged to maintain the anonymity of the person providing the information, even vis-à-vis KSB.

Dr. André Große Vorholt
Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Karlstraße 10-12
80333 München, Germany
Tel.: +49 8923714 12460

Should any Group employee become aware of a compliance breach, this can also be reported to the employee's respective line manager or the competent Compliance Officer in the customary manner. The Group Compliance Officer can also be contacted directly. Reports of misconduct submitted internally will also be treated anonymously on request to avoid disadvantages for the person providing the information.

KSB also undertakes to comply with the principles set out in the rules of procedure required under the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains [Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG].

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