AmaDS³ Uređaj za podizanje otpadnih voda

Uređaj za podizanje otpadnih voda AmaDS³

Waste water pump station with solids separation system. Indirect hydraulic transport of waste water, solids separators arranged upstream of the pumps, for maximum economic efficiency, operating reliability and ease of servicing.
Prikaži sve dokumente i stavke za preuzimanje

Glavne primene

  • Waste water disposal
  • Waste water transport

Tehnički podaci

Maks. kol. protoka Gen. ser.
800 m3/h
maks. vis. pod. Gen.ser.
100 m
10 bar
Maksimalna dozvoljena temperatura medijuma
40 °C

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  • An economical solution enabling the use of pumps with a smaller free passage as the water to be pumped has been mechanically treated.
  • Reliable, dependable and non-clogging as the pump’s interior is protected from coarse solids.
  • One of the pumps can be serviced while the system is running, provided that gate valves have been installed for shut-off, as all key components are fully redundant.

Tehnički podaci

Tip spoja Ulaz
Koncept pogona
sa E-pogonom
Maks. kol. protoka Gen. ser.
800 m3/h
min. kol. prot. Gen.ser.
2 m3/h
maks. vis. pod. Gen.ser.
100 m
min. vis. pod. Gen.ser.
1.5 m
Frekvencija mreže
50 Hz,
60 Hz
Mrežni napon
400 V,
460 V
Mat. Kućište hidraulike
10 bar
Ponašanje pri usisavanju
normalni režim usisavanja
Maksimalna dozvoljena temperatura medijuma
40 °C
Minimalna dozvoljena temperatura medijuma
2 °C

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