“Clean water is a crystal-clear success for Eta”
Tom, 9, schoolboy
Everybody's Eta – Episode 7
Where Tom dives into cool waters, Eta ensures pure bathing pleasure
In indoor or outdoor pools, at home or in a hotel: When the water’s surface glistens enticingly in the sunshine, diving in is hard to resist. Water is refreshing, it cools you down on hot days and warms you up when it’s bitterly cold outside. Clear water is irresistibly inviting. It makes you want to dive in, relax and stay a while.
This is where Eta comes in: Where you are cooling down in clear water, chances are that Etabloc plays a key role in filtering the water.
Reliable swimming pool filtration with Etabloc
With every swimmer or bather some contamination is inevitably added to the water. This is why pool water is pumped through a filtration system and continuously kept clean. In this cleaning circuit, Etabloc is entirely in its element, running smoothly and tirelessly.
Providing pureness: at the Monte Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort, for example
The Monte Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort in Monaco is one of the finest hotels in the world. Its particular attraction is a lagoon swimming pool with 23,000 m3 of crystal-clear fresh water. To maintain this special water quality, 31 Etabloc pumps reliably run in the micro-filtration system. Apart from a high quality of products, it was the comprehensive solution offered by KSB that convinced the operator.
In the Monte Carlo Bay Hotel Eta pumps make for crystal-clear water.
Why Etabloc specifically?
Natural partners are best purchased together
Increase your system’s efficiency with products that are perfectly matched to each other.