Valve repair

Maintenance and repair for valves and more

Bespoke, individual, comprehensive: KSB provides professional valve service for all makes – regardless of the design, size and manufacturer.

Valve Repair

Maintenance and repair for valves and more

Bespoke, individual, comprehensive: KSB provides professional valve service for all makes – regardless of the design, size and manufacturer.

Repair, modification and upgrade of your valves

Maintenance and repair for valves, actuators and safety valves – and much more: KSB offers you a comprehensive portfolio of services whatever your valves require.

Thanks to an extensive stock of materials available to KSB Service for valve maintenance and repair, most parts can be quickly provided. In addition, KSB has its own laboratory to perform all types of non-destructive and mechanical examinations. These include e.g. x-rays, ultrasound and structural examinations. All test results are certified. KSB can also arrange for TÜV inspections at short notice.

Service staff with a valve bonnet in front of the sand blaster

Dismantled valve yoke prior to sand blasting

Our portfolio

  • Machining of valves
  • Annealing of valves
  • Machining in oil-free and grease-free clean rooms
  • Welding including heat treatment to EN 729-2, AD 2000 requirements as per Pressure Equipment Directive, and ISO 9000
  • Stocking of round stock made of high-grade steels with certification to German TRD-110 Steam Boiler Regulations
  • Special coatings for drinking water valves or those subject to increased wear
  • Pickling and passivation of chrome nickel steels for chemical valves
  • Retrofitting to the German TA-Luft Technical Guidelines on Air Quality Control
  • Preparing of welding, heat treatment and other inspection and test plans, e.g. creation of documents subject to approval as per TRD-110
  • Calculating creep rupture strength of heavily loaded valves

Your benefits

  • One point of contact for the repair of valves – also for non-KSB products
  • Highly qualified KSB service engineers are available 24 hours a day
  • Specialists with many years of experience and in-depth manufacturer know-how ensure safety and reliability
  • Transparency ensured via a history file kept for all valves

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Inspection service

Inspection service

KSB’s inspection service provides regular pump inspection and pump maintenance to ensure the reliable operation and increased availability of your system.

  • Preventing failures
  • 24-hour on-call service
Maintenance inspection management

Maintenance inspection management

Inspecting and repairing pump sets while keeping downtimes short: KSB Service offers comprehensive maintenance inspection management for industrial facilities and power stations.

  • Pump inspection
  • Valve inspection
Spare parts inventory management

Spare parts inventory management

With its inventory management service, KSB provides recommendations for maintaining optimum spare parts stocks and preventing excess stocks or shortages of spare parts.

  • Reduced inventory costs
  • Improved availability
Spare parts kits for pumps and valves

Spare Parts Kits

KSB offers complete spare parts kits for many pump ranges. The kits contain sealing elements, bearings and impellers, for example, and are considerably less expensive than purchasing each part separately.

  • All main wear parts in one set
  • Easy to order and available at short notice