Technical consultancy for pumps and valves

Technical Consultancy

As a full-range supplier, KSB is on hand to advise you in every stage of the life cycle of your product or system.

  • Cost savings via system optimisation
  • Increasing system availability
Energy efficiency consulting (Fluid Future) for pumps and valves

Energy Efficiency Consulting

Optimise your system’s energy efficiency in four steps using FluidFuture®. KSB’s systematic approach ensures maximum energy savings.

  • Systematic analysis
  • Clear recommendations for action
Identification of energy-saving potential (Sonolyzer)

Identification of Energy-Saving Potential

KSB Sonolyzer® is a smartphone app from KSB which analyses the motor sound of your asynchronous motor to identify whether your pump is operating efficiently or whether too much energy is being consumed.

  • Free download
  • Analysis within seconds
SES System Efficiency Service

SES System Efficiency Service

Pumps that are not optimally matched to the system consume too much energy. Thanks to SES System Efficiency Service from KSB, this doesn’t have to be the case.

  • Energy efficiency analysis
  • Damage analysis
Installation and commissioning

Installation and Commissioning

Reliability right from the start: KSB service specialists are there to take care of your system with the installation of pumps, valves and automation components. Professional, reliable, on hand worldwide.

  • For a start-up as required
  • Also for non-KSB products
Pump repair

Pump Repair

KSB offers professional and fast service for pumps of any make and, if required, can modernise them to the latest technological standards. KSB also provides this service for explosion-proof pump sets.

  • For all makes
  • Pump set service
Motor repair

Motor Repair

KSB offers comprehensive service solutions – not only for your pump but also for your motor. This helps you save time and money.

  • Pump set service from a single source
  • Less time and lower costs

Valve repair

Bespoke, individual, comprehensive: KSB provides professional valve service for all makes – regardless of the design, size and manufacturer.

  • Repair
  • Modification


Discover our broad range of upgrade and retrofit solutions for optimising the reliability, availability, flexibility and energy input of your pumps.

Reverse Engineering for pumps and valves

Reverse Engineering

Reverse engineering makes it possible to quickly manufacture spare parts for pumps, valves and other rotating equipment that are hard to find or no longer available.

  • Optimisation thanks to engineering services
  • Quick reproduction of spare parts
Service for automation products

Service for automation products

As well as supplying the right automation technology for the energy-efficient operation of your system, KSB also provides one-of-a-kind expertise in all aspects of automation for pumps and valves.

  • Answers to all your automation questions
  • For pumps and valves
Service for other rotating equipment

Service for other rotating equipment

Your machines and processes are complex enough already. That’s why you should rely on KSB – a partner who supports you with a one-stop rotating equipment service.

  • One partner for easy coordination
  • Short response times, maximum availability
Service for mechanical seals

Service for mechanical seals

Benefit from bespoke service, the shortest response times and a comprehensive product range.

  • Fast and efficient mechanical seal services
  • Recommendations for optimisation

KSB Service Partners

When it comes to servicing pump systems, swift and comprehensive help is crucial. KSB’s customers can count on high levels of technical expertise from KSB’s service partners for pumps and more.

Flag with the branding of KSB’s authorised service partners

Spare Parts

KSB offers complete spare parts kits for many pump ranges. The kits contain sealing elements, bearings and impellers, for example, and are considerably less expensive than purchasing each part separately.
