Express Parts – spare parts produced to order and delivered quickly
In many cases, spare parts procurement is planned on a long-term basis and orders are placed in good time, making delivery times less critical. However, unforeseeable events can arise that require faster delivery of spare parts.
For example, when a pump system is being repaired and a redundant pump set is put into operation. The spare part needed for the repair is required quickly to ensure that redundancy can be restored. Or when the last spare part is taken from the warehouse resulting in a shortfall that needs to be quickly restocked.
In such situations, Express Parts from KSB are the perfect solution.
Express Parts are manufactured following a specially organised process, where if necessary state-of-the-art production processes such as additive manufacturing are used. Depending on the situation, parts can often be delivered in half the usual time. This service is available for both cast and machined parts.
Emergency Parts – when even Express is not fast enough
In emergencies, system downtimes need to be kept to a minimum. Situations like these are given the highest priority at KSB.
The solution: Emergency Parts from KSB are usually delivered within one to two weeks or even just a few days.