Versatility meets efficiency - finally: The new EtaLine Pro for building services applications makes it possible.
7 min read

Finally, versatile use and efficient operation are united

The new EtaLine Pro puts an end to compromises. Its performance range is so broad, it unites what seemed to be a contradiction: extremely flexible use and highly efficient operation throughout. This does away with all the disadvantages stemming from comparatively narrow performance ranges in the past.

The new EtaLine Pro puts an end to compromises. Its performance range is so broad, it unites what seemed to be a contradiction: extremely flexible use and highly efficient operation throughout. This does away with all the disadvantages stemming from comparatively narrow performance ranges in the past.

In the past: Narrow performance ranges caused some disadvantages

Often, handling pumps used to be characterised by challenges for which there was hardly a satisfying solution, let alone an optimum solution – from selecting the pump to its procurement and operation. The problem: Pump operation only used to be economically efficient within a relatively small Q/H window. This led to the selection of pumps for their optimum operating point being relatively complex and also to an immense number of variants within the pump family that had to be manufactured and stocked, with negative impacts on delivery times, stockkeeping, spare parts management, maintenance, repairs, replacement, etc.

Another problem: In real life, systems often do not run exactly as intended on the drawing board. As this is something consultants and engineers are aware of, they add the corresponding power reserves. But then, this often leads to systems being sized too large. Under real conditions they will consume more energy than necessary. Until now, re-adjusting pumps to the optimum operating point under real-life conditions required major technical effort and incurred high costs. Consequently, it is not uncommon for systems to run suboptimally with all parties involved being fully aware of it. The pumps then consume too much energy, cause unnecessary costs and emit more CO₂ than necessary.

In the future: EtaLine Pro's broad performance range changes everything

The new in-line pump for building services applications, KSB's EtaLine Pro, puts an end to all the disadvantages stemming from a narrow performance range. With its design being suitable for high speeds and its intelligent control options, EtaLine Pro clearly exceeds the performance range of all its predecessors. This also affects the number of variants required: In the past, about 40 sizes covered the complete selection chart, now, it is covered by only 15 variants in the five sizes DN 25, DN  32, DN 40, DN 50 and DN 65. This entails a series of benefits. 

First of all, it is more versatile in use: Until now, a pump was selected for a specific environment. With its specific configuration it could only be employed for its designated use. It's completely different with EtaLine Pro. These pumps can be used much more widely. If the design point does not match reality or if the operating point has changed due to structural modifications: no problem. The pump can be re-set quickly and easily via the app or directly at the pump set – and it will be ready to go again. That's what we call "tune to process".

This also provides opportunities for reuse. In the past, when a system was shut down or largely modified, the previously fitted pumps were often disposed of as their narrow performance range did not leave much for room for reuse. Thanks to its versatility, EtaLine Pro is much more likely to be suitable for use in a different environment after its initial installation. This saves money and supports the concept of sustainability.

Selection charts of the five EtaLine Pro sizes

Only five sizes now cover a broad H/Q selection chart.

Further benefits from reduced variant diversity

Easier to plan: Even if planning and reality do not match exactly – the pump is easy to adjust, doing away with the need to select and procure a new model. No power reserve is required.

Faster to procure: Fewer variants translate into better production capacity and short delivery times. Operators can stock pumps without the risk of the pump not matching the required use.

Easier to maintain: Having fewer variants offer opportunities for a better maintenance management.

Uncomplicated spare parts management: Parts that are required more commonly, such as the mechanical seal, are standardised. They can be supplied more quickly, less space is required, and logistics become easier.

A standard feature on board in the future: consistently designed for efficiency

Let's be honest: In building services, variable speed pumps are considered old hat. High-efficiency pumps have been legally required for new installations for many years now. Despite of this, a large population of old pumps still exists, running inefficiently and using too much energy. This provides another opportunity for EtaLine Pro as, in Europe, the energy efficiency of pumps will no longer be assessed as the sum of its components but for the overall system. In other words, only highly integrated systems will be able to meet the stricter energy requirements. EtaLine Pro has been consistently optimised to meet current and future energy standards:

  • Its MEI (minimum efficiency index) is ≥ 0.4. The larger the MEI, the higher the pump efficiency. The classification uses a mathematical calculation based on the efficiencies at best efficiency point (BEP), at 75 % of the BEP (part load) and at 110 percent of the BEP (overload).
  • Its EEI (energy efficiency index) is ≤ 0.62 and meets the ecodesign regulation EU 547 for water pumps. The lower the EEI, the less energy the pump uses. The EEI is calculated by comparing the average pump input power, measured over a load profile, with the reference input power of a current standard recirculation pump.

This means: EtaLine Pro's naturally high efficiency coupled with its enormous scope for optimising the operating mode while the pump is running makes for an unrivalled overall system efficiency, across an exceptional range of operating conditions. As the scope also remains during operation, compromises are not an option.

Close-up of the new EtaLine Pro in-line pump | KSB

The new EtaLine Pro in-line pump shortly before being installed: No problem at all thanks to standardised interfaces and factory-set parameters


With the new EtaLine Pro, a highly integrated pump has entered the market. It is not only the first of its type to be fully optimised for system efficiency but also enables the optimum operating point to be set within a very broad performance range. In this way, systems will run highly efficiently right from the start and will keep doing so also after any changes in their environment. The pump is more versatile in use than ever before. And handling the planning, procurement and maintenance of the pump has also become decidedly more convenient.

Products used

EtaLine Pro

EtaLine Pro

EtaLine Pro – more compact, flexible and efficient. Service-friendly high-efficiency variable speed in-line pump with dry-rotor permanent magnet synchronous motor. Integrated sophisticated pump functions. Well ahead of the ErP Directive's efficiency requirements. For heating and air-conditioning applications as well as water supply systems.

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