KSB-Experten diskutieren über Messdaten des KSB Guard

Smart future becomes reality: Enter the world of predictive maintenance with KSB

How can remote condition monitoring be leveraged in transitioning to comprehensive predictive maintenance? KSB shows how this can work.
KSB Guard: The smart service solution is synonymous with comprehensive transparency, better operating reliability and availability as well as efficient operation.

Digital pump monitoring lays the foundation for predictive maintenance.

Companies must continually focus on improving efficiency while reducing costs to remain competitive in global markets. This is why ever more focus is being placed on plant maintenance. According to a study conducted by the World Economic Forum and Accenture, predictive maintenance can reduce costs by up to 30 percent and prevent up to 70 percent of unscheduled downtimes – a true factor for creating value. 

Having reliable, comprehensive, centrally stored digital status data for the machinery in operation is an absolute must for predictive maintenance. Evaluating this data provides the transparency necessary to make maintenance management much more efficient:

  • Unscheduled system downtime can be avoided.
  • Signs of wear can be identified at an earlier stage, thereby making it possible to avoid potential consequential damage attributable to maintenance measures not being carried out.
  • Maintenance operations can be better prepared as maintenance schedules can be created for each machine. This also makes it possible to do a more efficient job of spare parts stocking.

How can the transition be initiated?

KSB Guard offers a straightforward starting point for entering the world of predictive maintenance. The sensor system records vibrations and temperatures at the pump or other rotating equipment. The data collected is then displayed in the KSB Guard web portal or app and analysed accordingly. By doing so, the data becomes valuable information that can be used to derive specific recommendations for action.
And thanks to our patented algorithm, you can also pinpoint inefficiencies to identify potential energy or CO2 savings. If an anomaly is detected in the respective operating mode, you are sent an immediate notification. This, in turn, lets you initiate appropriate maintenance measures early on to ensure the long-term availability of your pumps.

As such, KSB Guard provides all the data and information you need to ensure reliable operation and optimise maintenance management. An intuitive dashboard provides you with a comprehensive overview.

Einblick in die KSB Guard App: smarte Zustandsüberwachung von Pumpen und Rotating Equipment

The KSB Guard app: smart condition monitoring of pumps and rotating equipment

Reliable operation made easy with the KSB Guard Monitoring Center team

KSB Guard offers a continuous stream of valuable data, but how can this information be used optimally? The KSB Guard service package offers the ideal solution as our KSB Guard Monitoring Center is staffed by experienced, certified experts who also monitor the data stream for you as well as analyse it in depth.
The team

  • Identifies changing trends in the measured data early on,
  • Examines them in detail if necessary,
  • Provides recommendations on repair, maintenance and remedial measures, and
  • Identifies inefficient pump operation and offers appropriate advice.

Your reliability gains are therefore twofold: automated notification via KSB Guard plus active data monitoring by the experienced engineers at the KSB Guard Monitoring Center.

Icon: KSB reduziert seinen CO2 Fußabdruck – und den seiner Kunden

KSB Guard is climate neutral!

At KSB, we are continuously striving to improve our carbon footprint. To this end, we are reducing the energy and material consumption associated with our products to an absolute minimum. As of 2022, KSB has been actively offsetting emissions attributed to the production, use and disposal of KSB Guard.  Therefore, with KSB Guard, we are also optimising our customers' carbon footprint.

Our pump monitoring services and more

Successfully operating your pump systems requires more than excellent products: We also invite you to benefit from our broad service portfolio covering planning, operation and maintenance of valves, pumps and other rotating equipment. We are there for you, with more than 3500 specialists in over 190 service centres around the globe.