When Martin and Thomas are ready to wind down, Eta silently raises its glass to all their efforts

A long day is coming to an end. All obligations have been met. Finally, time to relax! A well-deserved lager, fresh from the tap, would be nice. Or an alcohol-free wheat beer? You choose – the main thing is being among friends. Because winding down together is more enjoyable.

This is where Eta comes in: When you are enjoying a refreshing beer, chances are that Etachrom was involved in the brewing process. Cheers, Eta!

Beer production with Etachrom

One of the tasks is to supply many stages of the brewing process with the required water. Also, as yeast works best at 30 °C, the wort needs to be cooled down relatively quickly to that temperature in the wort cooler. Etachrom reliably does its duty in this cooling circuit. Cooling the blending system is another of Etachrom’s jobs. In other words: Etachrom can be found everywhere in the brewing process where aggressive or clean fluids, such as drinking water, service water, hot and cooling water or condensate, oil and cleaning agents have to be transported.

KSB’s full range for the brewing process

KSB offers the optimal pump for every handling task in beer production – from the central brewing process right through to the diverse auxiliary and cleaning processes. You can find KSB products in water treatment, in the brewhouse, in the fermentation or filtration cellar, in the filling system or in CIP/SIP routines. For sterile processes, pumps of the Vita family are the first choice. Designed with very little dead volume, they meet the toughest of requirements on sterile processes. The hygienic design also ensures a longer shelf life and optimises cleaning processes.

KSB products for beer production
Surfing a big wave

For the perfect wave

Amaline 800 propeller pumps with submersible motors from KSB generate waves in a new type of surf machine in Milan’s Idroscalo water park.
