
KSB Pumps and valves L.t.d.

Dragomelj 136
1230 Domžale

Tel: +386 1 2528 140
Fax: +386 1 2528 141
E-Mail: info@ksb.si


Targovsko Büro Ruen OOD

Local authorized distributor for pumps and valves

Raiko Aleksiev Str. Nr. 40
Bl. 216, Ap.17
1113 Sofia

Tel: +359 2 973 3799
Fax: +359 2 971 3473
Mobil: +359 888920106
E-Mail: info@ksb-pompi.bg

Elin Engineering Ltd.

Local authorized KSB Service Partner and distributor

4141 Plovdiv

Tel: +359 31 499 188
Mobil: +359 895 581 912
E-Mail: elin@eldvigateli.com
