Solutions by KSB

KSB valves are used in power stations, buildings, on ships and in process and water engineering systems. Alongside globe valves, gate valves, butterfly valves, ball valves, diaphragm valves and check valves, the product range also includes actuators and positioners. This diverse product spectrum complements the Group's broad range of pumps, leaving it well positioned to offer all-in solutions for hydraulic applications and draw on its 140 years of experience. Throughout the company’s history, KSB engineers have consistently developed new innovative solutions including the first maintenance-free cast iron globe valve (BOA-H) and the first soft-seated globe valve (BOA-W).

Valves from KSB

Valves from KSB ensure the highest levels of energy efficiency thanks to state-of-the-art technology and over 140 years of experience.

A short overview on valves

In piping technology, a valve is a piping component which influences the fluid flow by opening, closing, diverting, mixing or partially obstructing the passage through itself. Valves are broadly classified according to their fields of application, e.g. power plant valves, heating valves, gas and food-grade valves. Valves are further categorised according to their basic design (globe, gate, butterfly, ball or plug and diaphragm valves) and according to the functions they perform, i.e. shut-off valves, safety valves, control valves and check or non-return valves. Depending on the type of actuation, a differentiation is made between manually operated and electrically, pneumatically and hydraulically actuated valves.

Valve design features

  • Globe valve: obturator moves in a straight line and, in the seating area, parallel to the flow direction
  • Gate valve: obturator moves in a straight line and, in the seating area, at right angles to the flow direction
  • Ball or plug valve: obturator rotates about an axis at right angles to the flow direction and, in the open position, the flow passes through it
  • Butterfly valve: obturator rotates about an axis at right angles to the flow direction and, in the open position, the flow passes around it
  • Diaphragm valve: the flow passage is changed as a result of the deformation of the flexible obturator (diaphragm)
  • Strainer