ECOLINE GTV 150-300 Gate valve

Gate valve ECOLINE GTV 150-300

Gate valve to ANSI/ASME with flanged ends, cast steel A216 WCB, A351 CF8/CF8M/CN7M, Trims 2/8/10/13 for Class 150/300, with bolted bonnet, outside screw and yoke, non-rotating stem, flexible wedge, graphite gland packing, stainless steel / graphite gasket.
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Main Applications

  • Chemical industry
  • Petrochemical industry
  • Process engineering
  • Power stations

Technical Data

Nominal basınç Hidrolik gövde
CL 150, CL 3000ı serisi nesli
NPS 12ıc.
427 °C

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Technical Data

Bileşen işlevi
Bağlantı türü Giriş
Model konsepti Tahrik
E tahrikli,
El çarkı ile
Malzeme Hidrolik gövde
A351 GR CF8M,
A351 GR CF8,
A216 GR WCB,
A351 GR CN7M
Nominal basınç Hidrolik gövde
CL 150,
CL 3000ı serisi nesli
NPS 12ı serisi nesli
NPS 2ıc.
427 °Cıc.
-29 °C
Model Armatür gövdesi
Geçiş valfi Flanş bağlantısı

Sectional Drawings
