DeltaMacro Pressure booster system

Pressure booster system DeltaMacro

Fully automatic package pressure booster system with two to four (F) / six (VC/SVP) vertical high-pressure pumps; available in cascade-controlled and two variable speed designs. Cascade control (F) for ensuring the required supply pressure. The VC and SVP versions ensure variable speed control of each pump by cabinet-mounted frequency inverter (VC) or motor-mounted PumpDrive variable speed system and KSB SuPremE motor (SVP), respectively, providing fully electronic control to ensure the required supply pressure. Automated with KSB BoosterCommand Pro Plus.
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Main Applications

  • Pressure boosting

Technical Data

maks. Nakil mikt.Yapı ser.nes.
960 m3/h
maks. Nakil yük.yapı ser.nesli
155 m
16 barıc.
60 °C

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  • Suitable for drinking water installations as it has been manufactured under stringent hygienic conditions
  • Hygienic, optimised design without dead volumes
  • Ready to be installed, pre-set at the factory


  • D12A_16673599755-2_3
    Approved in accordance with the UK drinking water regulation
    United Kingdom
  • D12A_16673599755-1_3
    Approved in accordance with the French drinking water regulation
  • D12A_16673599755-3_3
    Approved in accordance with the German drinking water regulation

Technical Data

Bağlantı türü Giriş
Dış dişli bağlantı,
Tahrik konsepti
E tahrikli
maks. Nakil mikt.Yapı ser.nes.
960 m3/h
min. Nakil mikt.Yapı ser.nes.
0.2 m3/h
maks. Nakil yük.yapı ser.nesli
155 m
min.Nakil yük.Yapı ser.nes.
0.1 m
Fonk.Ent.yazılım Kont.cihazı
Şebeke frekansı
50 Hz
Şebeke gerilimi
400 V
Malzeme Hidrolik gövde
Nominal basınç Çıkış
PN 16
16 bar
Emme tutumu
normal emmeliıc.
60 °Cıc.
0 °C

Characteristic curves

Sectional Drawings
