WBC Dry-installed pump

Dry-installed pump WBC

Patented design with state-of-the-art hydraulic system and highly wear-resistant materials for high-pressure applications. The pump casing is designed to withstand maximum stresses, e.g. during pressure surges.
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Technical Data

maks. Nakil mikt.Yapı ser.nes.
16200 m3/h
maks. Nakil yük.yapı ser.nesli
80 m, 150 m
32 bar
120 °C

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Technical Data

Bileşen işlevi
Bağlantı türü Giriş
Tahrik konsepti
E tahrikli
maks. Nakil mikt.Yapı ser.nes.
16200 m3/h
min. Nakil mikt.Yapı ser.nes.
400 m3/h
maks. Nakil yük.yapı ser.nesli
80 m,
150 m
min.Nakil yük.Yapı ser.nes.
10 m
Şebeke frekansı
50 Hz,
60 Hz
Şebeke gerilimi
4160 V,
6600 V
Malzeme Hidrolik gövde
VIBRATHANE B-602-A536 GR 80-55-06
Nominal basınç Çıkış
CL 300
32 bar
Emme tutumu
normal emmeli
120 °C
2 °C