KSB Safety Boost Pressure booster system

Pressure booster system KSB Safety Boost

Ready-to-connect break tank package booster set for drinking water to DIN EN 1717 (type AB) for the safe separation of drinking water and liquids of category 5
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Main Applications

  • Spray irrigation systems
  • General irrigation systems
  • Service water supply systems
  • Domestic water supply

Technical Data

maks. Nakil mikt.Yapı ser.nes.
9 m3/h
maks. Nakil yük.yapı ser.nesli
80 m
10 bar
30 °C

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  • Corrosion-resistant design with high-quality stainless steel
  • Very compact, space-saving design
  • Highest level of protection for Category 5 liquids

Technical Data

Bağlantı türü Giriş
Boru/hortum bağlantısı
Tahrik konsepti
E tahrikli
maks. Nakil mikt.Yapı ser.nes.
9 m3/h
min. Nakil mikt.Yapı ser.nes.
2 m3/h
maks. Nakil yük.yapı ser.nesli
80 m
min.Nakil yük.Yapı ser.nes.
35 m
Fonk.Ent.yazılım Kont.cihazı
Şebeke frekansı
50 Hz
Şebeke gerilimi
230 V
Malzeme Hidrolik gövde
AISI 304
Nominal basınç Çıkış
PN 10
10 bar
Emme tutumu
normal emmeli
30 °C
0 °C

Characteristic curves