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Global reference projects

KSB’s versatile pumps and valves can be used for the most diverse of applications.

La Caldera pumping station with combined sewer system

Giant pumps from KSB protect Mexico City against flooding

Mexico City is regularly threatened by flooding and stormwater.

The La Caldera pumping station is helping the 20 million inhabitants of the metropolis to fight flooding. KSB submersible motor pumps are doing valuable work there to drain and pump away stormwater and waste water.

The company premises of the web-fed offset printing plant WKS Kraft Schlötes from outside.

Welcome cooling for high-volume printing

In order to achieve sustainable improvements in its environmental performance, the web-fed offset printing company WKS Kraft Schlötes implements ISO 50001-compliant energy management. This involves continuously checking all processes for energy efficiency. These checks revealed that the water cooling system of the commercial printing press for brochure printing is an energy-intensive process. KSB won the contract to provide new pumps capable of achieving competitive energy and cost savings.

Ludwig Weinrich chocolate factory premises from outside

Keeping cool in the face of sweet temptation

For many people, chocolate is more than just one of life’s sweetest temptations. The complex machinery required for the industrial production of this luxury food item also presents engineers with major challenges. In an ever-tightening market, traditional companies in particular, such as the Ludwig Weinrich chocolate factory, need to rise to current economic and ecological challenges. To do this, they need reliable partners.

The Nestlé Cailler chocolate factory

A sweet challenge – optimally mastered

Producing chocolate that satisfies the highest standards over many decades requires robust and high-quality equipment which also meets EHEDG stipulations. The Vitalobe type series from KSB features pumps that are well-equipped to take on any challenge. They fulfil the hygienic requirements, handle the product gently, are robust and so flexible that they can be optimally adjusted to the process conditions – qualities that play an important role for a company with a rich history like Nestlé Cailler.


Oued Athmania: A water supply project for Algeria

As Algeria is a predominantly arid country, water is a precious commodity and the transportation of water to two reservoirs which lack water means a blessing for the local population.

KSB submersible motor pumps support cranberry cultivation

A flood control project which also supports Canada’s farmers in cultivating cranberries

Cranberries are one of the world’s “super fruits” and are mainly grown in the USA and Canada. Canada’s largest growing area is in the City of Richmond on Lulu Island in British Columbia where a series of KSB pumps carry out essential tasks involving both harvesting and flood alleviation.

Wellenreiter auf großer Welle

Für die perfekte Welle

In der neuartigen Surfanlage eines Mailänder Aquaparks kommen 15 Propellerpumpen mit Tauchmotor von KSB zum Einsatz. Pünktlich zu Beginn der Hauptsaison nahmen die Betreiber des „Idroscalo“ die neue Attraktion in Betrieb. Doch damit alles so reibungslos funktionieren und die zahlreichen Besucher ihr aufregendes Surfvergnügen genießen konnten, mussten die KSB-Ingenieure im Vorfeld ganze Arbeit leisten.

Gelände des Industrieparks Kalle-Albert bei Nacht

Predvidljivo servisiranje v industrijskem parku Kalle-Albert

V industrijskem parku Kalle-Albert v Wiesbadnu ima svoj sedež 75 različnih podjetij, ki skupaj zaposlujejo okrog 6000 delavcev. Tehnični pogoj za številne proizvodne obrate je zanesljiva oskrba s stisnjenim zrakom, ki se uporablja za mehansko krmiljenje večjih proizvodnih naprav. Izpad pretoka stisnjenega zraka ima hude posledice – dovolj velik razlog za odkrivanje sprememb podatkov o stanju in motenj, preden se dejansko pojavijo.

System incorporating piping, pumps and valves

More transparency – with KSB Guard

Even high-quality pumps can sometimes experience malfunctions whose exact cause can only be determined by a long-term diagnosis. External factors are often to blame, and these can only be identified if the affected pump is monitored over a longer period of time using suitable sensor technology. KSB Guard has been developed to determine a problem’s cause so that remedial action can be taken.

KSB's MegaCPK volute casing pump for handling aggressive liquids

Provides energy for an entire city: The Thassalia marine thermal energy project

The Thassalia seawater plant supplies sustainable energy for buildings with a 500,000 m² surface area. Find out why high-performance pumps from KSB make a major contribution to the project's success.

Swiss Kronospan site, Menznau

Hot technology for hot boards: Innovative KSB technology for handling thermal oils

Producing particleboard requires high temperatures – KSB and its high-performance heat transfer fluid pumps make sure the thermal oil used is transported smoothly.

St Petersburg

Submersible motor pumps from KSB lift waste water from a depth of 92 metres in St. Petersburg.

A cleaner Baltic Sea – this was the initial idea behind the waste water disposal project for this millions-strong metropolis. Today, 19 Amarex KRT pumps ensure that up to 98 percent of the city’s waste water is treated in a waste water treatment plant before being discharged into the Baltic Sea.

Palazzo Grassi

V Palazzo Grassi se umetnost sreča s trajnostjo

Stara stavba, polna sodobne tehnologije: črpalke in ventili podjetja KSB za ogrevanje, klimatizacijo, vodovodne in sanitarne sisteme pomagajo pri kar 30 % prihranku energije v stavbi Palazzo Grassi.

Hand holding a mobile phone with a graph displayed on the screen. In the background is a KSB pump with installed KSB Guard.

Digital monitoring tool KSB Guard continuously monitors pumps

Thanks to KSB Guard, it is now possible to avoid malfunctions and efficiently plan maintenance. The tool is in operation at the ROLF SANDVOSS INNOVATION CENTER of SAMSON AG.

KSB – eden vodilnih proizvajalcev industrijskih armatur in črpalk na svetu

Podjetje KSB je bilo leta 1871 ustanovljeno v Frankenthalu (Nemčija) in že več kot 100 let spada med vodilne proizvajalce črpalk in industrijskih armatur. Z več kot 15.500 zaposlenimi po vsem svetu in lastnimi prodajnimi podjetji, proizvodnimi delavnicami ter servisnimi obrati podjetje KSB razvija in izdeluje po meri prilagojene črpalke za najrazličnejše uporabe.

Paleta izdelkov izkušenega proizvajalca črpalk se uporablja na področjih stavbne in industrijske tehnike, transporta vode in čiščenja odpadnih voda ter v tehničnih postopkih elektrarn. Zahvaljujoč inovativnim raziskavam in razvoju lahko podjetje KSB izpolnjuje najrazličnejše zahteve strank. Kot priznani proizvajalec črpalk podjetje KSB poseduje dolgoletne izkušnje in tehnično znanje.

Proizvajalec črpalk KSB: najboljša rešitev za vašo napravo
Industrijske črpalke in industrijske armature podjetja KSB so primerne za širok spekter uporabe in so izjemno energetsko učinkovite. Izdelki prepričajo z najbolj inovativno tehniko in se že vrsto let uspešno uporabljajo v napravah – med drugim tudi standardna vodna črpalka Etanorm. Z več kot 1,5 milijona prodanimi agregati spada Etanorm med najuspešnejše standardne vodne črpalke na svetu. Nadomestni deli in servisne storitve podjetja KSB skrbijo za delovno varnost industrijskih črpalk in industrijskih armatur KSB. Hidravlika, tehnika materiala in avtomatizacija so tehnološke prednosti proizvajalca črpalk KSB in ravno v tem se skriva recept za uspeh njihovih visokozmogljivih črpalk.

Strokoven servis od samega začetka
Zahvaljujoč proizvodnim delavnicam lahko proizvajalec črpalk KSB zagotovi prvovrsten servis, prilagojen stranki. Certificirani strokovnjaki z obsežnimi izkušnjami skrbijo za izjemno kakovost. Servisna služba podjetja KSB prevzame zagon, pregled, vzdrževanje in servisiranje vaših črpalk, armatur in celotne naprave neposredno na vaši lokaciji. Podjetje KSB poskrbi tudi za hitro dostavo nadomestnih delov. Na ta način prejmete najboljši servis neposredno od vašega proizvajalca črpalk.