SPAM Umbulan: clean water for East Java
East Java's water supply infrastructure was reaching its limits. To deliver more capacity to its residents, the regional government launched a new water transport project.
The project: bringing clean water to Java's eastern provinces
As the region's clean water supply grew increasingly limited, government officials responded in 2017 with the project "Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum, Umbulan" (SPAM, Umbulan) – which translates to "drinking water supply system, Umbulan". The project's centrepiece is an almost 100 km long water pipeline connecting a freshwater spring in Umbulan to the provincial capital of Surabaya.
The customer: a public-private joint venture
For the "SPAM Umbulan" project, which was launched in 2017, the regional government collaborates closely with a business consortium established for the task at hand: PT Meta Adhya Tirta Umbulan. The consortium consists of two partners, the private gas company PT Medco Gas Indonesia and the private construction company PT Bangun Cipta Contractor.
After submitting their successful bid, the two partners received a 25-year concession that includes the right to design, build, operate and maintain the facilities and the water distribution network.
The challenge: supplying water to over 1 million people from a spring 100 km away
It was becoming more and more difficult to transport potable water to East Java, especially to the regions of Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik, Pasuruan and the city of Pasuruan. The region is home to about 1.3 million people who would benefit from the new water distribution network.
The challenge was to ensure a delivery capacity of 4,000 litres per second – flowing through a freshwater pipeline with a total length of 93.7 kilometres. The pipeline runs from Umbulan Spring in Umbulan Village, Winongan District, and traverses several stations before reaching the north of the provincial capital of Surabaya.
The water supply is managed by the East Java Provincial Government Water Supply Company and divided into five sectors for the Drinking Water Regional Agency: Surabaya City (1,000 l/sec), Pasuruan Regency (410 l/sec), Pasuruan City (110 l/sec), Sidoarjo Regency (1,200 l/sec), Gresik Regency (1,000 l/sec).
The solution: a project with 19 pumps and hundreds of valves
A key factor in the decision to bring KSB on board for the project was the premium quality of KSB's products. Several advantages quickly convinced the project partners:
- KSB is regarded worldwide as a reliable and highly competent partner for high-quality products and comprehensive solutions for water transport applications.
- As a full-range supplier, KSB supplies not only pumps but also matching valves (gate valves, butterfly valves, check valves, etc.).
- KSB ensures reliable operation in the long term while keeping life cycle and maintenance costs low, since for a given shaft module, the bearings, shaft seals, sleeves and shaft are identical (interchangeable).
The new pumping station is equipped with nine axially split, single-stage volute casing pumps from the RDLO series. The pumps are suitable for horizontal or vertical installation. They achieve a pump efficiency of at least 85% and an electric motor efficiency of at least 95%. Thanks to their service-friendly design, the split KSB RDLO casing flange can be cleaned quickly and thoroughly, and the pump interior is readily accessible.
The hydraulic components were designed and optimised with extensive computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. For all other parts, KSB engineers relied on state-of-the-art finite element method (FEM) tools.
KSB Indonesia is proud to have collaborated on the SPAM Umbulan project, which was declared one of the country's National Strategic Projects by Indonesia's President Joko Widodo – an evident success and a solid foundation for KSB's next project in Indonesia.
"Having top-quality components was vital for this project – every product needed to be reliable, efficient and in line with the project standards. KSB delivered a complete solution that met every one of our requirements."
Yan Kuryana Wiriadipura
Project Director SPAM Umbulan, PT Meta Adhya Tirta Umbulan
Data I Facts I Figures
Location: East Java, Indonesia
Customer: PT Meta Adhya Tirta Umbulan
Application: Water transport
Project specs:
- 9 x RDLO 350-575B SC1 G O
- 4 x OMEGA 350-435 A SC G F (capacity: 250 l/sec, head: 12 m, motor power: 45kW/400V, VSD control panel 45kW)
- 4 x Etanorm 125-100-250 (capacity: 30 l/sec, head: 15 m,
motor power: 7.5 kW) - 2 x MOVITEC VSF 025/03 (capacity: 5.5 l/sec, head: 55 m)
Eingesetzte Produkte
Pompă cu carcasă spirală amplasată orizontal sau vertical monoetajată, divizată longitudinal, cu rotor radial biflux, flanşă de racord conform DIN, EN sau ASME.
Pompă cu carcasă spirală amplasată orizontal sau vertical monoetajată, divizată longitudinal, cu rotor radial biflux, flanşă de racord conform DIN, EN sau ASME.
Pompă cu carcasă spirală orizontală, monoetajată, cu puteri nominale şi dimensiuni principale conform EN 733, cu portlagăr, în construcţie pentru instalarea în proces, cu bucşe de arbore / bucşe de protecţie arbore şi inele labirint carcasă interschimbabile, cu sistem de reglare a turaţiei montat pe motor. Cu KSB SuPremE, un motor sincron cu reluctanţă fără magneţi (excepţie: Dimensiunile motorului 0,55 kW / 0,75 kW cu 1500 min⁻¹ sunt proiectate cu magneţi permanenţi) din clasa de eficienţă IE4/IE5 conform IEC TS 60034-30-2:2016, pentru funcţionarea la sistem de reglare a turaţiei tip KSB PumpDrive 2 sau KSB PumpDrive 2 Eco fără senzor al poziţiei rotorului. Puncte de fixare corespunzătoare EN 50347, dimensiune înveliş conform DIN V 42673 (07-2011). Versiune ATEX disponibilă.