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KSB equips the largest waste water treatment plant in Asia with waste water pumps

The Bailonggang waste water treatment plant in Shanghai is the largest waste water treatment plant in Asia and one of the biggest in the world. It disposes of the waste water produced by around 3.6 million people.

The project: Shanghai’s waste water treatment 

The project saw the construction of one of the world’s largest waste water treatment plants in Bailonggang, in direct proximity to Shanghai, a metropolis with a population in the double-digit millions in Eastern China. The aim was for the plant to clean one third of all the waste water from a catchment area of over 270 km² – more than two million cubic metres every day.

The challenge: One of the largest waste water treatment plants in Asia

What was special about this task was the sheer scale coupled with the high output requirements placed on the waste water equipment. For the construction of the waste water treatment plant, hundreds of waste water pumps were needed. The operating company opted for KSB as the supplier because KSB pumps fulfilled all of the performance parameters specified without exception. In particular the higher levels of hydraulic efficiency compared to many competitor products are today making a major contribution to the energy efficiency of the entire waste water treatment plant.

The solution: Over 300 submersible pumps including all components

KSB supplied a total of 241 submersible waste water pumps from the Amacan range, 65 submersible motor pumps from the Amarex KRT and Amarex N ranges, six dry-installed SPN waste water pumps and six dry-installed ZL axial flow pumps. The pumps were supplied with all requisite components ready for connection, some already with the necessary control cabinets.
Today, the Bailonggang waste water treatment plant in Shanghai is the largest waste water treatment plant in Asia and one of the biggest in the world. One third of all the waste water produced by the city with a population in the double-digit millions is cleaned here. Every day, over two million cubic metres of waste water pass through the waste water treatment plant.

Data I Facts I Figures

Location: Shanghai, China


  • 241 Amacan submersible motor pumps
  • 65 submersible motor pumps from the Amarex KRT and Amarex N ranges
  • 6 dry-installed SPN waste water pumps
  • 6 dry-installed ZL axial flow pumps

Products used

Amacan P

Amacan P

Våtoppstilt dykkmotorpumpe i rørsjaktutførelse med aksialpropell i ECB-utførelse, ettrinns, med innstrømning. ATEX-utførelse tilgjengelig.



Horisontal eller vertikal spiralhuspumpe med forskjellige løpehjulsformer i neste generasjon, med trykkflens etter DIN- og ANSI-standard, tilgjengelig i eksplosjonsbeskyttet utførelse.

Amarex KRT

Amarex KRT

Horisontal eller vertikal ettrinns dykkmotorpumpe som blokkpumpeaggregat med forskjellige løpehjulformer av neste generasjon; kan leveres i våtoppstilling eller tørroppstilling, stasjonær eller transportabel med energisparemotor og i eksplosjonsvernet utførelse.

Amarex NS

Amarex NS

Vertikal, ettrinns dykkmotorpumpe i våtinstallasjon med skjærhjul (S) for stasjonær og transporterbar utførelse. Amarex N-pumper er nedsenkbare, ettrinns, enkeltstrømmende, ikke selvsugende blokkpumpeaggregater. ATEX-utførelse tilgjengelig.