Palazzo Grassi – where culture meets sustainability
An old building kitted out with modern technology: KSB pumps and valves for heating, air-conditioning, water and sanitation systems help to save 30 % of energy in the Palazzo Grassi.
The project: Palazzo Grassi, an 18th century Venetian palace
The Palazzo Grassi is one of Venice’s most famous buildings. The three-storey structure from the 18th century stands directly on the Canal Grande. It was created by architect Giorgio Massari in the transitional style between Late Baroque and Classicism. He was commissioned by the Grassi family.
Today, the impressive building houses a renowned museum of contemporary art. The exhibits belong to the French entrepreneur and collector François-Henri Pinault who bought the building in 2006.
An energy analysis revealed that the palace’s energy consumption was enormous, making energy optimisation measures absolutely necessary. The task was to install state-of-the art equipment for heating, air-conditioning, water and sanitation systems. Technology designed to meet the demands of maximum energy efficiency and environmental friendliness.
The challenge: Cutting-edge technology in an old building
The challenge was to significantly reduce energy consumption in the Palazzo Grassi – and thus save costs – by using efficient and environmentally friendly pumps and valves.
The solution: A complete range of technology and expertise covering all systems
To meet the specific requirements of the Palazzo Grassi, KSB supplied a complete range of pumps and valves for heating, air-conditioning, water and sanitation systems. This comprised 131 shut-off and control valves, 24 swing check valves, 29 strainers, 45 expansion joints and 5 Etabloc pumps.
The main criterion was the high efficiency of the pumps driven by KSB SuPremE IE5* motors. The magnet-less pump drive impresses with high efficiency in all load ranges, enabling maximum energy savings.
All pumps were also fitted with a PumpDrive variable speed system and PumpMeter pump monitoring unit. In addition to installing these new pumps, KSB carried out maintenance of some of the older pumps.
The project took eight months from its start in July 2015, with the products being delivered in November 2015 and final completion in February 2016.
The bottom line: KSB’s solution has enabled a substantial reduction (30 %) in energy consumption
30 % lower energy costs thanks to KSB solutions
Data I Facts I Figures
Location: Venedig
Application: Building Services
Project: Maintenance of older pumps, installation of KSB pumps and valves
Duration: July 2015 to February 2016 (8 months)
KSB Products used: Pumps and valves for heating, air-conditioning, water and sanitation systems✓ Energy-efficient & sustainable ✓ 30 % energy reductions
Commissioned: February 2016
Products used
Ettrinns spiralhuspumpe med ytelser i henhold til EN 733, med utskiftbar akselhylse og spalteringer, med motormontert turtallsreguleringssystem. Med KSB SuPremE, en magnetfri synkronreluktansmotor (unntak: motordimensjoner 0,55 kW / 0,75 kW med 1500 min⁻¹ har permanentmagneter) i effektivitetsklasse IE4/IE5 etter IEC TS 60034-30-2:2016, for drift på turtallsreguleringssystem type KSB PumpDrive 2 eller KSB PumpDrive 2 Eco uten rotorposisjonsgiver. Festepunkter i henhold til EN 50347, dimensjoner i henhold til DIN V 42673 (07-2011). ATEX-utførelse tilgjengelig.
IEC-kompatibel, giverløs, magnetfri synkronreluktansmotor (unntak: motorstørrelser 0,55 kW / 0,75 kW med 1500 min⁻¹ har permanentmagneter) i virkningsgradklasse IE4/IE5 (Super/Ultra Premium Efficiency) etter IEC TS 60034-30-2:2016, for drift på turtallsreguleringssystem KSB PumpDrive 2, PumpDrive 2 Eco eller PumpDrive R. Kan kobles til trefasenett 380-480 V (via PumpDrive). Festepunktene svarer til EN 50347, noe som garanterer en IEC-standardmotorkompatibel bruk og full utskiftbarhet med IE2- eller IE3-asynkrone standardmotorer. Dimensjonene ligger innenfor grensene som foreslås for IE2/IE3-motorer i henhold til DIN V 42673 (07-2011). Reguleringen av motoren skjer uten rotorstillingsgiver. Motorens virkningsgrad er også ved 25 % av nominell ytelse på et kvadratisk dreiemoment-turtallsdiagram > 95 % av nominell virkningsgrad. Motoren har magnetfri utførelse, det som kalles «sjeldne jordarter» blir ikke brukt ved produksjonen. Drivkraftproduksjonen er derfor vedvarende og miljøvennlig.
PumpDrive R (KSB202)
Selvkjølt frekvensomformer med modulær oppbygging som muliggjør en trinnløs turtallsendring av asynkrone og synkrone reluktansmotorer via analoge normsignaler, feltbuss eller betjeningsenhet. Takket være selvkjølingen til PumpDrive R er det mulig med montering på veggen samt i et koblingsskap. Regulering av opptil seks pumper uten ekstra regulator. PumpDrive R er ytelsesrasterutvidelsen til PumpDrive 2 til en beregnet effekt på 250 kW (standard) / 1400 kW (på forespørsel).
Sperreventil etter DIN/EN med flenser, i kort konstruksjon EN 558/14, skråseteutførelse med rett overdel, udelt hus, drosselventil med EPDM-trekk, myktettende gjennomgangstetning og baktetning, posisjonsindikator, låseanordning, løftebegrensning, isolasjonshette med duggpunktsperre, vedlikeholdsfri, ubegrenset isoleringsmulighet.