The Kalle-Albert Industrial Park premises at night

Predictive maintenance at the Kalle-Albert Industrial Park

75 different companies are located at the Kalle-Albert Industrial Park employing a total of around 6000 staff. A reliable supply of compressed air used for the mechanical control of large production systems is a technical requirement for numerous production plants. Failure of the compressed air supply would have serious consequences – and this is a good reason to ensure that impending changes in status data and potential faults are detected before they actually occur.

The project: Reliable monitoring of the cooling system

In the scope of the Industry 4.0 concept, ISW-Technik, a subsidiary of industrial park operator InfraServ Wiesbaden (ISW), uses innovative technologies to implement smart servicing and maintenance processes based on digital condition monitoring of machines and systems for small and medium-sized companies. Predictive maintenance has also achieved positive results indicative of future success. Late 2019 saw digital technology secure the production of compressed air essential for the industrial park and prevent the failure of an important pump used in this process.

The customer: InfraServ Wiesbaden

InfraServ Wiesbaden (ISW) has been operating the 96-hectare Kalle-Albert industrial park since 1997 and provides various utilities including power. The company employs about 900 people. Its subsidiary ISW-Technik has established itself among small and medium-sized companies based in the Rhine-Main region as an innovative service provider for applications including servicing and maintenance of machines and systems.

Logo of InfraServ, Wiesbaden

The challenge: Ensuring round-the-clock system availability

InfraServ Wiesbaden ensures that the industrial park is supplied with compressed air around the clock, providing about 22 thousand cubic metres of compressed air per hour at a gauge pressure of 5 bar which adds up to about 200 million cubic metres per year. ISW relies on two KSB components to keep the vital compressed air system running reliably and to cool the operating temperature continuously: Etanorm pumps and the reliable KSB Guard monitoring unit.

Having already had positive experience with KSB during previous projects, ISW was curious to see how the newly established system would prove its worth in this case. KSB Guard offers ISW production management and KSB technicians round-the-clock access to all pump status data (e.g. temperature, vibrations and load condition) via a web portal.

KSB Guard sensor unit installed on a pump

KSB Guard installed on a KSB pump

The solution: KSB Guard detects bearing damage at an early stage

A deviation from normal operation was reported on one of the pumps in October 2019. After KSB Guard had detected excessive vibrations and output a relevant warning, InfraServ Wiesbaden was informed automatically. Thanks to KSB Guard, ISW-Technik was able to detect impending bearing damage at an early stage – a normal sign of wear that makes bearing replacement necessary at varying intervals depending on the pump’s load.

ISW-Technik initiated a repair in its own workshop during periods when pump operation is not essential. This helped prevent in time a sudden system failure with unplanned downtimes and far-reaching resultant losses. If one pump had suddenly failed, a second pump would have cut in to maintain the production of compressed air. Nevertheless, the advantages of targeted and predictive maintenance measures are tremendous. 

KSB technology has not only helped to increase the safe and reliable supply of energy at the industrial park, this positive experience has also prompted ISW-Technik to install KSB Guard on other customers’ systems located in the industrial park.

Diagram showing the vibration curve of a KSB pump

Vibration profile recorded by KSB Guard indicating a deviation from normal operation

Figures I Data I Facts

System: Cooling system for compressed air supply in the Kalle-Albert Industrial Park
End user: InfraServ Wiesbaden


  • 2x Etanorm 200-150-400
  • 2x KSB Guard
  • 1x KSB Guard Gateway


KSB — viens no pasaulē vadošajiem rūpniecisko vārstu un sūkņu ražotājiem

Uzņēmums KSB ir dibināts Frankentālē (Vācijā) 1871. gadā un jau vairāk nekā 100 gadus ir viens no vadošajiem sūkņu un rūpniecisko vārstu ražotājiem. KSB ar vairāk nekā 15 500 darbiniekiem visā pasaulē, kā arī saviem tirdzniecības un servisa uzņēmumiem un ražotnēm izstrādā un izgatavo sūkņus, kas pielāgoti visdažādākajiem pielietojuma veidiem.

Pieredzējušā sūkņu ražotāja produktu klāsts tiek izmantots ēku un rūpniecības tehnoloģiju, ūdens transportēšanas un notekūdeņu attīrīšanas jomās, kā arī elektrostaciju tehniskajos procesos. Pateicoties inovatīvai pētniecībai un izstādei, KSB spēj izpildīt visdažādākās klientu prasības. Kā pazīstamam sūkņu ražotājam KSB ir daudzu gadu pieredze un tehnoloģiskā kompetence.

KSB sūkņi: labākais risinājums jūsu sistēmai
KSB rūpnieciskie sūkņi un rūpnieciskie vārsti ir piemēroti plašam pielietojumam un ir izcili energoefektīvi. Produkti pārliecina ar īpaši inovatīvām tehnoloģijām un jau daudzus gadus tiek veiksmīgi izmantoti dažādās sistēmās — tostarp standarta ūdens sūknis Etanorm. Etanorm ir viens no veiksmīgākajiem standarta ūdens sūkņiem, jo visā pasaulē jau ir pārdoti vairāk nekā 1,5 miljoni agregātu. KSB rezerves daļas un servisa pakalpojumi rūpējas par KSB rūpniecisko sūkņu un rūpniecisko vārstu ekspluatācijas drošību.

Sūkņu ražotāja KSB tehnoloģiskās priekšrocības ir hidraulika, materiālu tehnoloģijas un automatizācija, un tieši šīs jomas nodrošina augstas veiktspējas sūkņu panākumus.

Kompetents serviss no pirmsākumiem
Sūkņu ražotājam KSB ir daudzas ražotnes, līdz ar to ir iespējams nodrošināt tuvu atrašanos klientiem un augstas klases servisu. Sertificēti speciālisti ar plašu pieredzi nodrošina izcilu kvalitāti. KSB serviss var veikt jūsu sūkņu, vārstu un visas sistēmas ekspluatācijas sākšanu, inspekciju, apkopi un remontu tieši uz vietas objektā. KSB nodrošina arī ātru rezerves daļu piegādi. Tādējādi jūs saņemat labāko servisu tieši no sūkņa ražotāja.