
Spannenburg is home to the biggest drinking water treatment plant in the Netherlands. KSB pumps supply several millions of litres of drinking water to over 300,000 people every day.

Drinking water supply to 300,000 people – thanks to KSB pumps

Spannenburg is home to the biggest drinking water treatment plant in the Netherlands. KSB pumps supply several millions of litres of drinking water to over 300,000 people every day.

The project: The biggest drinking water treatment plant in the Netherlands

Spannenburg in the province of Friesland is home to the biggest drinking water treatment plant operated by the Vitens company in the Netherlands. Every day the company treats several millions of litres of water to supply to over 300,000 people.

The customer: Drinking water supplier Vitens, Netherlands

Via its 49,000 kilometre network of pipes, Dutch water company Vitens supplies 330 million cubic metres of drinking water to around 5.6 million customers every year. Vitens is the largest drinking water supplier in the Netherlands.

The challenge: Clean drinking water for 300,000 people

Due to the country's geography, life in the Netherlands is strongly influenced by water. In addition to protection against flooding, the Netherlands has been focussing on the development of efficient and sustainable drinking water systems for many years. Systems with long-term reliability are needed for extracting, treating and supplying water to the people.

The priority of Vitens as a water supplier is to provide its customers with first-class water quality at all times – with maximum efficiency and cost-effectiveness. From water extraction and treatment through to distribution, it must be ensured that all processes are designed to be as safe, sustainable and economical as possible.

The solution: The Spannenburg drinking water treatment plant

To meet these objectives, the company works closely together with independent institutes, the national authorities as well as partner companies and suppliers like KSB.

For its drinking water treatment plant in Spannenburg, Vitens opted for six Omega volute casing pumps and services from KSB. Positive experiences from previous joint projects with KSB were a key factor in this decision.

Today, the drinking water treatment plant supplies several million litres of fresh drinking water to over 300,000 people in the Netherlands every day.

“Thanks to the excellent support provided by KSB, we were able to choose the right pumps for our processes. KSB pumps impress with their long service life and efficiency. The total cost of ownership also plays an important role for us. As the pumps operate extremely reliably, we haven’t yet needed to contact KSB’s service department.”

Jan Jager, technical specialist at Vitens

Data I Facts I Figures

Location: Spannenburg, Netherlands

Client: Vitens

Application: Water treatment

Project data: 

  • KSB products used:
  • 6 x Omega pumps
  • Fluid handled:
  • Water
  • Output: 25 million m3/year

KSB on üks maailma juhtivamaid tööstuslike ventiilide ja pumpade tootjaid

KSB asutati aastal 1871 Frankenthalis (Saksamaa) ja on olnud juba üle 100 aasta üks juhtivaid pumpade ja tööstuslike ventiilide tootja. Maailmas enam kui 15 500 töötajaga oma müügi-, tootmis- ja hoolduskeskustes arendab valmistab KSB eritellimusel ja standardpumpasid erinevate valdkondade jaoks.

Ettevõttel on pikaajaline kogemus pumpade tootmisel ning selle tooteportfell hõlmab tooteid ehitusvaldkonnale, tööstustele, elektrijaamadele, katlamajadele, veevarustusele ja reoveele. Tänu uuenduslikule teadus- ja arendustööle suudab KSB täita oma klientide kõige erinevamaid nõudmisi. Tunnustatud pumbatootjana on KSB-l olemas kauaaegne kogemus ja tehniline oskusteave.

Pumbatootja KSB – parem lahendus teie süsteemile
KSB tööstuspumbad ja -ventiilid sobivad paljudele erinevatele rakendustele ning on väga energiasäästlikud. Meie tooted avaldavad muljet nii oma tipptasemel tehnoloogia ja kui ka paljude aastate jooksul katsetatud süsteemidega. Hea näide sellest on Etanorm veepump. Seda on müüdud enam kui 1,5 miljoni, mis teeb Etanormist  kogu maailmas enimmüüdud standardse veepumba. Vaata ka KSB hooldusteenuseid ja varuosad varuosasid.

Hüdraulika, materjalitehnoloogia ja automatiseerimine on KSB tehnoloogilised tugevad küljed ning just selles peitub ka tema suure võimsusega pumpade edu valem.

Kompetentne teenindus algusest peale
Tänu arvukatele esindustele on KSB klientidele lähedal ja suudab pakkuda tipptasemel teenust. Ulatusliku kogemustepagasiga sertifitseeritud spetsialistid tagavad suurepärase kvaliteedi. KSB hooldusteenuse spetsialistid hoolitsevad teie pumpade, ventiilide ja terviklike süsteemide kasutuselevõtmise, ülevaatuse, hoolduse ja remondi eest kohapeal. Samuti tarnib KSB teile varuosad kiirelt. Nii saate kasutada parimat teenust otse pumbatootjalt.