![KSB SuPremE](https://acszigalen.cloudimg.io/v7/https%3A%2F%2Flive-commerce-proxy-e2e-sales.ksb.com%2Fmedias%2FKSB-Supreme-SD8C-1-.png%3Fcontext%3DbWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w4MjUzNzZ8aW1hZ2UvcG5nfGFETmlMMmhqWWk4NU1ESXdNemt3TnpNMU9UQXlMMHRUUWw5VGRYQnlaVzFsS0ZORU9FTXBXekZkTG5CdVp3fGMzNDczZTEyZTQ4MjcyMTc3MjgzZGJlOGQwMzA0NGIyM2JmZDhkMTNhNjI1YzEzMDAyNDAxNGY2MTljMjk0ODk?br_px=3213%2C3213&ci_url_encoded=1&tl_px=1512%2C1512&w=1000&force_format=webp&q=60)
Main Applications
- Dry-installed pumps, in particular those that accumulate a high number of operating hours per year and have to accommodate fluctuating loads
- Rotating equipment
- Energy-efficient operation thanks to high efficiency at the rated load point
- The efficiency of the motor also exceeds 95 % of the nominal efficiency when the motor runs at 25 % of its nominal power on a quadratic torque-speed curve.
- Fully interchangeable with IE2 motors thanks to compliance with DIN EN 50347 and envelope dimensions in accordance with DIN V 42673-4