Where Ute and Klaus are finding their way through the airport maze, Eta is running hard, too
Finally on holiday. Finally a break from day-to-day life. Finally time to relax for a few days. If only you didn’t have to be at the airport hours in advance: finding the right terminal, checking in, handing over your bags, queuing up for the safety check – it’s pretty hectic. That can certainly make you break out in a sweat!
This is where Eta comes in: Where you are getting ready for your flight, chances are that the pleasurable climate is provided by an Etaline.
Reliable air conditioning with Etaline
Often, airports resemble a small town and have got a complex infrastructure. Maintaining this infrastructure gobbles up enormous amounts of energy. Potentially a lot of this energy can be saved, not only in IT and lighting but also in heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Apart from all efforts being made to increase the efficiency, availability remains a key feature, because an agreeable temperature is decisive – both for the traveller and for the personnel. Working away, usually without being seen: KSB’s Etaline pump reliably provides heating and cooling and is popular due to its excellent efficiency – especially when combined with a PumpDrive variable speed system and the KSB SuPremE® high-efficiency motor. Take a deep breath with Etaline!
For its terminal 2, Munich Airport has opted for efficient air conditioning with KSB products.
Why Etaline specifically?
Energy costs are flying low – thanks to intelligent optimisation
Brainless pumps will soon be pointless
Opt for an intelligent monitoring and control solution that will further optimise your Eta’s operation.