KSB strainers

KSB strainers – Optimum protection of your systems

  • Reliable filtration of the fluids handled 
  • Low pressure loss due to optimised flow path
  • Perfectly tailored solutions for your system

  • Reliable filtration of the fluids handled 
  • Low pressure loss due to optimised flow path
  • Perfectly tailored solutions for your system

Reliable pumping thanks to KSB strainers

In heating systems, air-conditioning systems or industrial plants: A KSB strainer not only prevents contamination or damage caused by solids, it also clearly reduces the regular servicing and cleaning work required for your system.

Strainers from KSB are available in various material variants and mesh sizes as well as according to different standards. Their Y-pattern body and optimised flow path enable higher flow rates with lower pressure losses in the system. 

Benefits of strainers from KSB

  • Optimally tailored solutions for your application and fluid handled
  • Reliable filtering even when aggressive and corrosive fluids are handled
  • Higher flow rates and lower pressure losses thanks to Y-pattern body with hydraulically favourable flow path
  • Easy inspection and drainage of the strainer
  • Time and cost saving replacement of screen 
  • Long service life and high functional reliability

Strainers in a nutshell

This is how strainers work

Strainers belong to the category of check valves. The strainer consists of a valve body and filters gases or liquids flowing through an integral screen made of stainless steel. This ensures that piping and pumps remain free of contamination and prevents damage to the system caused by foreign matter. 

Commercially obtainable strainers are available in the body and filter types T, W and Y:

  • T-type strainer: The type of body corresponds to that of a gate valve and its screen is flat or bowl-shaped.
  • W-type strainer: The body also corresponds to that of a gate valve, but the screen is a wedge-shaped jacket in the direction of flow.
  • Y-type strainer: These strainers feature a valve with slanted seat and a cylindrical strainer insert. They are suitable both for installations with a vertical flow from above and installations with a horizontal flow. In addition, the slanted seat enables a higher separation volume, as foreign matter can settle in the lower part (sump).

Our top-selling strainers

Strengths and applications of KSB strainers

KSB strainers are used for the most diverse of applications. Our strainers with a stainless steel body are also suitable for use in pump systems handling corrosive or aggressive fluids.

Overview of KSB strainer applications:

  • Chemical industry 
  • Boiler feeding
  • Boiler recirculation
  • Air-conditioning systems
  • Fossil-fuelled power stations
  • Food industry and beverage industry
  • Paper industry
  • Petrochemical industry 
  • Pipelines and tank farms
  • Refineries
  • Shipbuilding
  • Process engineering
  • Heat recovery systems
  • Hot-water heating systems
  • Pulp industry
  • Sugar industry