KSB AmaPorter video: Easy. For everyone.

The fully floodable submersible motor pump is used wherever grey water has to be pumped off reliably, fast and efficiently, e.g. for draining underground car parks, buildings or retention tanks. We have made some major additions to the AmaPorter type series, now offering you a suitable version for practically every scenario.

AmaPorter: Easy. For everyone.

The fully floodable submersible motor pump is used wherever grey water has to be pumped off reliably, fast and efficiently, e.g. for draining underground car parks, buildings or retention tanks. We have made some major additions to the AmaPorter type series, now offering you a suitable version for practically every scenario.

More variants – more options for you.

The idea behind AmaPorter: Making it as easy as possible for all parties involved, from selection and procurement to installation and operation. Our tried and tested AmaPorter family, established for many years, is now available in even more sizes and variants. Having added numerous model variants, KSB can now offer you more options and a perfect match for almost any application.



F / DN50

F / DN65

F / DN80

S / DN50

Flow rate Q

≤ 46 m³/h

≤ 80 m³/h

≤ 130 m³/h

≤ 17 m³/h

Head H

≤ 37 m

≤ 22 m

≤ 13 m

≤ 21 m

Power P

0,55 - 4,2 kW

0,75 - 1,8 kW

1,9 - 3,7 kW

1,1 - 1,5 kW

Voltage V

1 ~ 230 V
3 ~ 400 V

1 ~ 230 V
3 ~ 400 V

3 ~ 400 V

1 ~ 230 V
3 ~ 400 V


Free passage

40 - 45 mm

56 - 65 mm

76 mm

7 mm

Schematic of AmaPorter

AmaPorter in detail

For further information surrounding the submersible motor pump go to our product page: Discover further benefits, variants, a sectional drawing, the operating manual, and more.

How can we be of assistance? Make use of our free initial consultation.

Have you got any questions about AmaPorter, would you like support in selecting your pump or do you need any tips on maintenance and installation? Or would you like to receive an individual quotation? Simply fill in the form – our experts will be pleased to call you.




Vertikální, jednostupňové ponorné kalové čerpadlo na znečištěnou vodu (provedení z šedé litiny) v blokovém provedení pro stacionární nebo přenosnou mokrou instalaci.

LevelControl Basic 2

LevelControl Basic 2

Spínací skříňka k ovládání a ochraně v závislosti na výšce hladiny pro jedno nebo dvě čerpadla. Přímý rozběh do 4 kW, rozběh hvězda/trojúhelník do 22 kW. Větší výkony na zvláštní objednávku.