Installer working on a control cabinet

Customised automation solutions

KSB SupremeServ

You’d like to optimise your production tools by adding an automation product to your pump sets.

However, the demands of the complex processes of your facilities are beyond the technology of a standard solution. To solve this problem, KSB SupremeServ develops customised automation solutions perfectly tailored to your individual application.

The KSB solution

As a manufacturer of pumps, valves and systems and an expert in the repair, maintenance and optimisation of all brands of rotating equipment, KSB boasts an engineering service specialising in automation to help you better manage your project. 
This service applies its skills to controlling and managing pump equipment with a strong emphasis on functional reliability.

For all open-loop and closed-loop control applications

Our experienced team helps design and set up control cabinets that integrate HMI (Human Machine Interfaces), PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers) and frequency inverters with on-board intelligence. 
Solutions for all open-loop and closed-loop control applications, thus making your processes reliable, effective and energy-efficient. All services can be provided both for new installations and those being upgraded or requiring optimisation.

KSB will support you through every phase of the project, from design to commissioning

  • Assistance with defining expectations and requirements specifications
  • Assistance with functional analysis and recommendations for operation based on the equipment controlled
  • Development of a tailored solution
  • Setting up of the control cabinet
  • Integration of intelligent automation devices and PLC
  • Monitoring and control via HMI automation devices with touch screen
  • Performance of the electrical survey and preparation of the corresponding circuit diagram, development of the solution and screen synoptic
  • Development of solutions that take the operating parameters into account